
Sustain­ability Report 2023/24

Clear vision, sustain­able mission.

At ebm-papst, we strive every day to combine sustain­able thinking and action with the use of advanced tech­nology. We must collab­o­rate with our customers, suppliers, and network part­ners to develop and imple­ment new busi­ness models. The next stage in our value-creation process will be to produce smart, networked solu­tions that reduce CO2e consump­tion while in use. Our success will also involve inten­sive consul­ta­tion, produc­tive discus­sions, and our employees, whose commit­ment, enthu­siasm, and humanity all help to support these trends for the future. Find an overview of how we tackle the issue of sustain­ability at ebm-papst here. Enjoy reading and come away from it filled with inspi­ra­tion for the future!