Mr. Handschuh, resource efficiency has become a hugely important topic in recent years. Why do you think this is?
Developments in recent years have shown that we need to use the resources available to us today more responsibly. This includes keeping and processing them within a circular economy that is as CO2e neutral and energy efficient as possible. ebm-papst recognized this change early on and positioned itself accordingly. Short transport routes, optimized use of space, low space consumption, and energy-efficient operation are all hugely important to us.
One result of this process is the development of high-speed drives – ebm-papst’s HighSpeed products. What makes this conceptual approach so special?
The HighSpeed business field represents the perfect combination of our resource and material flows. This enables us to develop high-speed drives for a wide range of applications, with a whole host of sustainable quality features. These include durability, low weight and material-friendly production, as well as lower power consumption and thus higher energy efficiency. The energy efficiency potential of our new HighSpeed refrigerant compressors, for example, is between 10 and 35 percent depending on the application.
“This progress not only benefits us, the customers, and end users; above all, it’s better for our environment and climate.”
Philipp Handschuh, Director of HighSpeed Products
Alongside smart fans, HighSpeed is going to be one of the cornerstones of ebm-papst’s product portfolio as we look to the future. Does that surprise you?
No, not at all. HighSpeed was and is a strategic expansion of the ebm-papst product portfolio. We used our existing core areas of expertise in aerodynamics, motors, and electronics as a starting point. We then set up an interdisciplinary team to expand on this expertise, adding oil-free high-speed bearings and the associated manufacturing skills as new strings to our bow. With these future-proof products, we can offer highly efficient solutions whose components work in perfect harmony. This is exactly what our customers need, as their demand for resource and material-efficient products is constantly growing.
The interdisciplinary team is the key, then. How does that collaboration work?
Right from the outset, the HighSpeed product path was set up with a matrix organizational structure. The international team covers all the necessary disciplines, from market and application development to series process development. There are more than 60 employees on the team, all fully dedicated to HighSpeed, albeit some are still primarily based in their specific departments. Additionally, having most team members co-located in two project houses at our Zaisenhausen site facilitates efficient collaboration, enabling quick decisions and fostering a strong spirit of innovation throughout the premises.
What do you see as the most important factors for our future when it comes to resource efficiency?
Take the materials, for example. One of our most important fields of innovation plays a major role in this product path: ceramic materials. These make PFAS-based coatings superfluous, conserving our resources and protecting our environment and health – all while increasing the longevity of our products. And while you can’t measure things like team spirit and staff loyalty in the same way as power consumption, for example, they are both hugely important to our work. People are our most precious resource, and we need to both hold them to a high standard and treat them with the utmost care. It’s important to me that everyone on my team treats each other with respect and appreciation. When you think about it, this is also a form of sustainability – creating an environment that’s worth living in.
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