© Gernot Walter

The High­Speed gener­a­tion: Presenting the depart­ment and product type

The “High­Speed solu­tions” Busi­ness Incu­bator Field (Sepa­rate busi­ness unit for the devel­op­ment of new product fields and paths) at ebm-papst stands for inno­v­a­tive and sustain­able drive tech­nolo­gies. Philipp Hand­schuh and his team are the force behind the devel­op­ment of the new drives at the Zaisen­hausen and Hollen­bach sites – from the concept phase to small-batch produc­tion.

What began as an in-house start-up with just one employee at the end of 2019 has, over the course of just a few years, devel­oped into a promising line of busi­ness within the company. While the new drives of the High­Speed gener­a­tion are designed and devel­oped at the Zaisen­hausen site, the process devel­op­ment and small-batch produc­tion side of things is handled by staff at the Tech­nical Center in Hollen­bach, which opened in 2024. “For now, we’re still focusing on devel­op­ment work and proto­type produc­tion. The produc­tion of small batches – the Tech­nical Center can handle series in the low five-digit range – will not start until 2025 at the earliest,” says Head of Depart­ment Philipp Hand­schuh, setting clear prior­i­ties.

Turbo compres­sors by ebm-papst

Our customers can benefit from our turbo­com­pres­sors in various appli­ca­tions, depending on their require­ments.

When it comes to High­Speed prod­ucts, Hand­schuh is one of the orig­inal experts. “When I joined ebm-papst in 2019, this depart­ment didn’t even exist yet. My task was to set up an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team to accom­pany every single step of the process, from analysis and solu­tion devel­op­ment to eval­u­a­tion, imple­men­ta­tion, and moni­toring.” Based on inten­sive market research, his team devel­oped a plat­form strategy, drew up corre­sponding spec­i­fi­ca­tions in consul­ta­tion with customers, and recorded these in a plat­form spec­i­fi­ca­tion sheet. “That provided the basis for ensuring that we will still have the right product to suit our customers’ appli­ca­tion require­ments in ten years’ time,” Hand­schuh says, summa­rizing the devel­op­ment history of the High­Speed prod­ucts.

Today, the high-speed drives can be used in refrig­erant appli­ca­tions – the team’s current area of focus – such as refrig­er­a­tors, heat pumps, and air condi­tioning systems. The drives are also used in air and gas mixture compres­sors, such as heaters, venti­la­tors, and instal­la­tions for drinking water treat­ment. These prod­ucts are notable above all for their sustain­able quality features, which include dura­bility, light­weight design, low mate­rials consump­tion in produc­tion, lower power consump­tion, and higher energy effi­ciency.

“We will still have the right product to suit our customers’ appli­ca­tion require­ments in ten years’ time.”

Philipp Hand­schuh, Head of Depart­ment High­Speed

When used in refrig­erant compres­sors, for example, the new High­Speed prod­ucts offer an energy effi­ciency of between ten and forty percent. “With High­Speed, we have devel­oped a tech­nology of the future that enables both us and our customers to act more sustain­ably. This is and remains a diffi­cult path, but we are moti­vated by the knowl­edge that it will pay off – for the economy, for society, for nature, and for the envi­ron­ment,” Philipp Hand­schuh firmly believes.

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