© ebm-papst

Clever pack­aging is half the battle

We want to avoid waste in order to protect the envi­ron­ment and the climate. That is why we at ebm-papst focus on reuse in our pack­aging manage­ment. We use inno­v­a­tive solu­tions in these areas to conserve natural resources and promote a clean envi­ron­ment.

At ebm-papst, we make sure that we produce as little pack­aging waste as possible. Reusable pack­aging made of paper or plastic has proven to be partic­u­larly effec­tive. For example, we use reusable plastic folding boxes to ship goods to our customers and order mate­rials from our suppliers. This enables us to save around 900 metric tons of corru­gated card­board every year. But the reusable box also offers other bene­fits: “It is completely recy­clable, highly sturdy, and can be used up to 60 times,” says Ulf-Peter Klotz, Group Manager Pack­aging Manage­ment & Quality Assur­ance at ebm-papst.

“With the reusable box, we can trans­port almost any product within a certain size and weight range,” Klotz explains. Due to its versa­tility, a similar plastic box is also used at our plant in Xi’an, China. In 2023, we were able to save a total of 89 metric tons of pack­aging mate­rial at the site by using 1,800 folding boxes – 41 tons when ship­ping to customers and 48 tons in exchange with suppliers. This means that the boxes are helping us to protect the envi­ron­ment and conserve resources.

Sensible, prac­tical pack­aging solu­tions

The success of the reusable boxes is the result of thor­ough prepa­ra­tion. Years ago, ebm-papst carried out a compre­hen­sive analysis in order to accu­rately compare “dispos­able versus reusable.” “We took into account many different factors of the reusable system that affected our carbon foot­print, from return and reuse to cleaning and repairing the containers. This compre­hen­sive approach is time-consuming, but it is impor­tant for our climate objec­tives,” Ulf-Peter Klotz is keen to stress. “Ulti­mately, we want to be sensible and prac­tical in our actions, and to opti­mize the sustain­ability of all our busi­ness activ­i­ties. This includes closely exam­ining in advance whether we can actu­ally achieve the desired result.”

Reusable pack­aging made of paper or plastic has proven to be effec­tive. (Photo | ebm-papst)

With the reusable box, we can trans­port almost any product within a certain size and weight range. (Photo | ebm-papst)

In 2023, we were able to save a total of 89 metric tons of pack­aging mate­rial at the site by using 1,800 folding boxes. (Photo | ebm-papst)

Driving further devel­op­ment forward together

The use of the plastic folding box is an impor­tant step toward reducing pack­aging waste, and many more projects and measures are set to follow in its foot­steps. ebm-papst has now set up a special Sustain­able Pack­aging Manage­ment working group to handle these schemes. This initia­tive is working on new, inno­v­a­tive pack­aging solu­tions within the Modell Hohen­lohe network orga­ni­za­tion. As Ulf-Peter Klotz explains, this is a mile­stone for the company. “When it comes to pack­aging, we still have some chal­lenges to deal with over the next few years. We want to solve these together, and by exchanging ideas with compa­nies from the region. As such, we are more than happy to take part in discus­sions and share our knowl­edge with others.”

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