© ebm-papst; CN

A clear commit­ment to greater sustain­ability

ebm-papst’s purpose, “Engi­neering a better life,” illus­trates the impor­tance we place on our goal of helping to make the future better. With our increas­ingly effi­cient and intel­li­gent solu­tions, we are helping to make the world a more sustain­able place. However, team spirit and joint action also play a key role in this – both within the company and in the collab­o­ra­tive and construc­tive way everyone involved works together.

Sustain­able action never works when attempted as an isolated solu­tion – it needs to include everyone who has a share in the value chain. Here at ebm-papst, this knowl­edge spurs us on every day as we strive to find new and intel­li­gent solu­tions in networks and part­ner­ships with our customers, suppliers, and service providers. Our aim is always to make our processes and prod­ucts even more sustain­able and effi­cient.

Just last August, in 2023, ebm-papst joined the Science Based Targets Initia­tive (SBTi), a climate protec­tion orga­ni­za­tion that eval­u­ates and veri­fies the sustain­ability targets of partic­i­pating compa­nies. The submitted climate protec­tion measures are only vali­dated if these targets are in line with the Paris Climate Agree­ment – the initia­tive to cap global warming at just 1.5°C higher than pre-indus­trial levels. For Klaus Wittmann, Director ESG, this is a forward-looking step: “We decided to make this commit­ment because the Initia­tive works on a scien­tific basis. This makes it a very good fit for us and our inter­ests.”

In accor­dance with the commit­ment required by the SBTi, ebm-papst formu­lated clear targets at the begin­ning of 2024 that must now be vali­dated by the Initia­tive. Klaus Wittmann explains, “Now it’s a matter of imple­menting the objec­tives on a schedule – defining the next steps precisely and including our suppliers and customers in this process.”

Further expanding sustain­ability exper­tise Addi­tion­ally, ebm-papst partic­i­pates in the EcoVadis sustain­ability rating and the Carbon Disclo­sure Project (CDP). The CDP’s assess­ment of CO2e emis­sions, climate risks, and reduc­tion targets and strate­gies has proven partic­u­larly useful due to its wide reach and good compa­ra­bility. Many compa­nies now see this assess­ment as an impor­tant barom­eter for the effec­tive­ness of measures they have imple­mented.

Climate & Envi­ron­ment

Find out more about our sustain­ability initia­tives and ratings.

Annemarie Hillen­brand, Sustain­ability Manager at ebm-papst, is following this devel­op­ment closely: “Many of our customers subject their compa­nies to CDP assess­ments, and also require us to disclose our envi­ron­mental and climate targets in accor­dance with these stan­dards. We are happy to comply with this request, as it matches our own inter­ests exactly.”

Irre­spec­tive of this, the company’s long-standing partic­i­pa­tion with EcoVadis will continue to be of great impor­tance, Annemarie Hillen­brand stresses. “Even though CDP focuses more strongly on climate and envi­ron­mental issues, EcoVadis is still an impor­tant and indis­pens­able rating program for us due to its clear emphasis on envi­ron­mental, social, and gover­nance issues, which helps us to strengthen our sustain­ability exper­tise further.” A commit­ment that is clearly bearing fruit, as the EcoVadis Silver Medal from 2023 shows. Thanks to a signif­i­cant increase in the company’s score compared to the previous year, ebm-papst is now among the top 20 percent in its industry.

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