© ebm-papst; Philipp Reinhard

Learning from (working) life

ebm-papst’s inno­v­a­tive strength, produc­tivity, and shared commit­ment are the result of the hard work of more than 13,800 people world­wide. In order to main­tain our high stan­dards, we make a point of constantly supporting and chal­lenging our employees.

Employees today are looking for chal­lenging work with good colleagues and a clear goal in mind, according to Irina Wind­sheimer, Specialist Global Employer Branding & Human Resources. “They long for mean­ingful tasks and want to play their part in creating a better future. At ebm-papst, we offer them this oppor­tu­nity.” That is why we have used our purpose, “Engi­neering a better life,” to come up with three core messages: “Better working,” “Better teams,” and “Better future.”

With these promises, we want to inspire the right up-and-coming talent and special­ists and convince them to work for us. This is why, when it comes to devel­oping our posi­tioning as an employer, we place a lot of value on the expe­ri­ences and needs of our existing employees. We even let them speak for them­selves as part of our recruit­ment measures, telling job candi­dates about their work at ebm-papst. As Irina Wind­sheimer knows, “Nothing is more authentic and mean­ingful than real employees talking about their employer.”

Enabling and devel­oping, right from the word “go”

To ensure a first-class future, it is impor­tant to support and chal­lenge young talent from the outset. During the “Energy Scouts” initia­tive founded by Markus Mettler and Hauke Hannig, trainees are taught to iden­tify energy-saving poten­tial in the company and initiate sustain­able measures to utilize it. “Since 2010, more than 1,000 compa­nies in Germany have trained scouts using our model,” he reports.

The idea is even gaining a foothold inter­na­tion­ally, with more and more cham­bers of commerce in both Europe and the USA now offering the Energy Scouts program. In another of our initia­tives, “Future Heroes,” ebm-papst trainees and students are tasked with imple­menting selected everyday work projects. Exam­ples of this include our appear­ances at the HANNOVER MESSE 2023 and the Climate Protec­tion Day 2024. The Future Heroes planned and orga­nized the measures for these events all by them­selves.


teenagers and young adults start their training at ebm-papst every year

“It’s impor­tant for junior staff to take on respon­si­bility at an early stage and prove them­selves,” says Timo Pflüger, Director People Devel­op­ment, Learning & Appren­tice­ship. We also regu­larly put students in Heil­bronn to the test: At the Campus Founders’ “Corpo­rate Campus Chal­lenge,” the teams address some of the prac­tical issues facing compa­nies and work together to develop solu­tions. Partic­i­pa­tion in this event has proven a valu­able expe­ri­ence for everyone involved and provides an oppor­tu­nity for us to discover the special­ists of tomorrow.

Real­izing ideas together

Of course, we also support further training for inquis­i­tive colleagues who have long since completed their basic training. ebm-papst offers a wide range of courses and programs for indi­vidual training and devel­op­ment. “Whether employees are inter­ested in work-related topics or some­thing completely different, like foreign language courses, we facil­i­tate learning both for profes­sional devel­op­ment purposes and for personal interest,” explains Irina Wind­sheimer.

One work­shop in this port­folio is specif­i­cally dedi­cated to the topic of sustain­ability. “We want to foster a deep under­standing of sustain­ability issues within our team and moti­vate employees to take respon­si­bility for such matters,” explains Sustain­ability Manager Annemarie Hillen­brand, who led the prac­tical program for the first time in 2023, focusing on everyday issues.

Photo | Chloë McCracken; Paul Weaver

“Sustain­ability also means supporting and chal­lenging employees. An impor­tant part of this is main­taining phys­ical and emotional health. I am partic­u­larly keen to support women in the many roles they play at our company.”

Chloë McCracken, Share­holder ebm-papst

She relies on inter­dis­ci­pli­nary discus­sions and creative methods, like using Lego Serious Play to visu­alize ideas. The ESG team is delighted with the posi­tive feed­back they have received with regard to this approach. After all, the path to greater sustain­ability requires not only tech­no­log­ical inno­va­tion, but also educa­tion, commit­ment and the active engage­ment of our employees.

Anyone looking for proof that the sustain­able commit­ment of our colleagues goes beyond the theo­ret­ical can find it in the USA, among other places. Commu­nity campaigns such as the waste action days at the Farm­ington site are evidence of our employees’ team spirit and drive when it comes to sustain­ability, says Sarah Worden, Senior Director Human Resources Amer­icas: “It makes us proud to see how our employees are actively helping to keep our envi­ron­ment clean and make those around them aware of the impor­tance of envi­ron­mental protec­tion.”