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Our sustain­ability mission state­ment: Mate­ri­ality matrix

The mate­ri­ality matrix maps the topics most rele­vant to us in the areas of sustain­ability and busi­ness devel­op­ment. Based on a compre­hen­sive stake­holder survey in 2023, we iden­ti­fied and prior­i­tized the most impor­tant ecolog­ical, social, economic, and product-related factors for ebm-papst and our stake­holders.

The ebm-papst mate­ri­ality matrix shows that economic perfor­mance has top priority. After all, we can only invest signif­i­cantly in sustain­ability if we are successful as a company. At the same time, these invest­ments are essen­tial in helping us remain compet­i­tive.  

Focus on the envi­ron­ment and resources 

Our focus is on envi­ron­mental issues, such as energy and emis­sions. Our goal is to reduce CO₂e emis­sions in Scopes 1 and 2 to zero in the 2025/26 finan­cial year and to push through measures such as the use of green elec­tricity, mini­mizing the need to offset any remaining emis­sions. We are also inten­si­fying our efforts in terms of compli­ance.

The goals of ebm-papst in the four areas of Climate & Envi­ron­ment, People & Corpo­rate Culture, Systems & Solu­tions and Part­ner­ships & Respon­si­bility. For sustain­able, ethical and legal busi­ness prac­tises. (Image | ebm-papst)

Our targeted commu­ni­ca­tion initia­tives in this area, such as our mission state­ment, raise aware­ness within our Group concerning the needs of human beings, the envi­ron­ment, and ethics. We also extend the rele­vance of these issues beyond the bound­aries of our company by main­taining close contact with our suppliers, devel­oping and imple­menting measures, and creating greater trans­parency throughout our supply chain. 

In terms of prod­ucts, our stake­holders prior­i­tize the following topics: energy-effi­cient prod­ucts, sustain­able mate­rials, and recy­clable or repairable prod­ucts. These aspects are key to pursuing the cradle-to-cradle approach, mini­mizing the use of raw mate­rials, and improving recy­cla­bility.  

Our mate­ri­ality matrix provides insight into the key issues for the ebm-papst Group. (Image | ebm-papst)

We’re nothing without our people 

Our values of effi­ciency, enthu­siasm, and humanity form the healthy foun­da­tion of our ebm-papst People House. They will continue to shape our deal­ings with each other and our internal and external actions in the future. The profes­sional training we offer students and trainees remains a core part of our efforts to recruit skilled workers. In addi­tion to this, we also offer our employees a wide range of indi­vidual training and qual­i­fi­ca­tion measures.

By actively promoting diver­sity and inclu­sion, we create a pleasant and trusting working envi­ron­ment in which everyone can be who they are, while being moti­vated and empow­ered to contribute their indi­vidual strengths to our cause. As part of our ESG agenda, we initiate and imple­ment a wide range of social projects at all our sites to support the regions in which we live and work. 

The ebm-papst People House is our vision, and is the back­bone of our company-specific and future-oriented global employee strategy, as well as the first ebm-papst sustain­ability report. All these find­ings form the basis for our sustain­ability mission state­ment and the first ebm-papst sustain­ability report.  

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