“Here at ebm-papst, the issues of human rights, environmental protection, and sustainability are closely interlinked. Only by grounding our daily actions in respect for others and the environment can we truly live sustainability and live up to our overarching purpose ‘Engineering a better life.’ As such, we will continue to dedicate more focus to these issues in the future,” says Dennis Diefert, Human Rights Officer and Vice President Business Functions & Group Compliance, summarizing the important role of due diligence for ebm-papst.
In dialogue with our suppliers
The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) requires companies to ensure social and environmental due diligence at every stage of their global supply chains. A key component of the implementation involves raising awareness among our international suppliers, particularly in regions where these legal requirements are not yet widely known. “We make it clear that compliance with these standards, which are enshrined in our Supplier Code of Conduct, is not voluntary, but in fact a legal requirement,” explains Calia Fredersdorf, Sustainability Purchasing Specialist.
national languages are included in the ebm-papst Code of Conduct
By continuously training our colleagues, we ensure that they all maintain the same, up-to-date standard of knowledge on this subject so they can analyze our global supplier pool and assist our suppliers when speaking to them in person. The dialog with the suppliers is very important to us here at ebm-papst, as it enables us to promote shared values and sustainability goals. “We also see the LkSG as a great opportunity in this regard. It offers us the opportunity to set a good example, strengthen our relationships with our suppliers, and work together with them to improve their standards,” Calia Fredersdorf explains. This enables us to exert a strong influence on the entirety of our supply chain and promote a risk-free value chain – and it also leads to better customer relationships.
Recognizing risks, finding solutions
Compliance at ebm-papst
Find out more about the division and its topics.
Risk management at ebm-papst is an essential component of legally compliant and ethical corporate governance, as reflected by our internal compliance directives. These cover a number of areas, including environmental protection, human rights, the protection of fair competition principles, and the avoidance of corruption, bribery, and discrimination. “At ebm-papst, we take a cooperative approach to risk management. Together with our colleagues and suppliers, we focus on protecting people and the environment,” explains Sylvia Meyer, Compliance Consultant.
We use regular risk analyses and our whistleblower system (see info box) to proactively identify and evaluate potential risks, and always do our best to speak to our suppliers as we look to develop solutions. Michael Müller, Risk Officer Own Business Area, is keen to point out: “Terminating a business relationship should only ever be the last resort, after all other options for cooperation and improvement have been exhausted.” The supplier risk analysis, which is used to check the supply chain for environmental and human rights risks, is divided into two steps.
“Through risk analyses, audits and training, we ensure a uniform understanding and consistent application of the compliance guidelines.”
Sylvia Meyer, Compliance Consultant
First of all, the country- and sector-specific risks in particular are identified and assessed, so that we can then look in more detail at the suppliers that stand out. “This process allows us to closely analyze potential deviations. We can then use this information to initiate preventive or corrective measures – ideally by working together with our suppliers,” says Calia Fredersdorf.
“We also ensure a uniform understanding and consistent application of the Compliance Directives in our own business area,” adds Sylvia Meyer, “be that by means of comprehensive risk analyses, audits at our various subsidiaries, regular training for various employee groups, or discussions within the Global Compliance Officer Network.”
“Our commitment to fair and sustainable action is the foundation of our work at ebm-papst. By working together on our standards and processes with our internal and external stakeholders, we not only strengthen our supplier relationships, but also initiate positive changes right along the value chain. We are determined to continue actively developing and promoting sustainability issues in the future through transparent discussion and open communication,” concludes Martin Wagener, Risk Officer Supply Chain & Vice President Purchasing, rounding things off with a positive outlook.
Your information helps: The ebm-papst whistleblower system
Das ebm-papst’s BKMS® Incident Reporting System is a web-based, certified whistleblower system that enables all our employees, business partners, and external third parties to report compliance violations, either by name or anonymously. The BKMS, which is currently available in 13 languages, protects the identity of whistleblowers and enables important information to be passed on within business processes. It provides a platform for open communication and the continuous improvement of compliance standards at ebm-papst.
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