© ebm-papst

“Our prod­ucts signif­i­cantly reduce energy costs”

Ralf Mühleck, Team Leader, Commer­cial Venti­lation, is an expert in retro­fitted fans at ebm-papst and always knows the right product for any project.

Mr Mühleck, retro­fitting suits ebm-papst very well. Why is that?

ebm-papst is the pioneer of energy-effi­cient EC tech­nology. We have years of expe­ri­ence, and we brought the idea to market. In recent years, we have made huge leaps forward in terms of the energy effi­ciency of our fans. Motor effi­ciency levels of 90 percent are virtu­ally stan­dard with our EC tech­nology. In aero­dy­namics, we achieve static effi­ciency levels of up to 75 percent for the impeller. So, if you want to reduce energy costs with a retrofit in the venti­lation system, we have the right prod­ucts for you.

Effi­ciency is the number one priority. Why are ebm-papst prod­ucts also well-suited to retro­fitting?

Needs-based volume flow control is also very impor­tant. The output of all our fans can be adjusted to suit any partic­ular appli­ca­tion. So for example, they could run at full power during the day, but at only 20 percent at night. This allows energy savings of 30 to 40 percent, some­times even 50 percent, over the course of a year. The speed is controlled either via a control input with zero to ten volts, or via a ModBUS signal. Also worth remem­bering – our fans have a long lifespan. In the typical condi­tions expected for a venti­lation system, the fans will have a service life of 80,000 to 100,000 hours.

Which prod­ucts are we talking about exactly?

Due to their effi­ciency, all of our centrifugal fans are gener­ally perfectly suited for retro­fitting. We often use them in a FanGrid set-up, i.e., multiple fans are installed in a fan wall in parallel. This has several advan­tages – reli­a­bility, flex­i­bility, and ease of assembly and main­te­nance. Our inte­grated vibra­tion sensors protect the fans against dangerous vibra­tional reso­nance.

How do you select the right fan?

The desired instal­la­tion space, airflow rate, and static pres­sure loss in the unit are the most impor­tant selec­tion criteria to consider. Depending on the project, other impor­tant criteria may include the temper­a­ture and the ques­tion of whether the fan needs to be able to cope in an explo­sive envi­ron­ment. To select the right product, we have devel­oped FanScout, which you can use to design the ideal fan based on your boundary para­me­ters. However, if you have any specific ques­tions, we are also happy to support inter­ested parties as a direct point of contact.


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Additional product information can be found here:

Centrifugal fans

Complete series for every application