The Heat Exchanger Clogging Detection Digital Service continuously analyzes fan operating data in systems with a heat exchanger, such as a condenser or adiabatic recooler, and detects when the metal grill of the heat exchanger is slowly clogging. As the grill becomes increasingly contaminated, the airflow rate or heat transfer is gradually reduced. To ensure that the system can continue to provide the required air or cooling capacity, the speed of the EC fans must be increased, which leads to an increase in the current draw. By continuously measuring the value, the digital service can track the change in contamination and display it in a trend curve. If a critical value indicates that the grill needs to be cleaned, an alarm is sent via epCloud.

The Digital Service also includes determining the degree of pollution of filters in ventilation and air conditioning systems using the same algorithm and sends a notification when it’s time to replace the filter. Users can specify the level of pollution above which the filter should be changed. Once the filter has been changed, the service automatically resets the status. In addition to automatic alerts, you can configure other contamination indicators based on parameters such as pressure, energy consumption, or air volume, tailored to your specific needs.

The Digital Service Heat Exchanger Clogging Detection turns reactive maintenance into proactive maintenance. For example, maintenance can be carried out before its regular maintenance schedule if it appears that the system is operating inefficiently. On the other hand, data-based predictions can also result in maintenance intervals being extended if the system data indicates efficient operation. Conventional, analog systems transform into dynamically and digitally controllable systems thanks to real-time insights and control.
Advantages of the Heat Exchanger Clogging Detection
- Energy savings
- Cost savings
- Optimal maintenance
- Prevent downtime
Learn more about all our Digital Services
Digital services that measure and monitor your fans around the clock and provide intelligent alarms and notifications offer the greatest benefits. Meet the challenges of your industry with digital solutions from ebm‑papst.
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