© Lasse Burrell / Fotogloria

Digital Service: Demand-Controlled Venti­lation

With Demand-Controlled Venti­lation, you can uncover poten­tial savings, cut costs, and mini­mize the envi­ron­mental impact of the fans. At the same time, the air perfor­mance and quality, as well as the heating or cooling capacity of the rele­vant system, remains optimal.

Demand-Controlled Venti­lation (DCV) is a Digital Service offered through an intel­li­gent control system opti­mized via epCloud. It adjusts fan oper­a­tion based on one or more air quality para­me­ters to maxi­mize energy effi­ciency while ensuring the required air quality. To achieve this, ebm-papst uses advanced algo­rithms that make predic­tive adjust­ments to the setpoint value of the control vari­ables, such as speed and air flow, using contin­u­ously collected fan and sensor data. The config­u­ra­tions can be flex­ibly adapted.

The Digital Service can be imple­mented with almost any fan equipped with an EC motor. It utilizes the fan’s vari­able control char­ac­ter­is­tics to enable demand-based oper­a­tion, adjusting between 0 and 100 percent to ensure the fan always oper­ates at its optimal point. This results in signif­i­cant poten­tial for savings.

Advan­tages of Demand-Controlled Venti­lation

  • Energy savings
  • Increase of fan life time
  • Reports with ESG metrics
  • Better Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

With its smart controls, DCV not only reduces the impact on the envi­ron­ment but also ensures optimum indoor air quality at all times if this is set as a control vari­able. The Digital Service can also provide you with detailed visu­al­iza­tions and reports on energy and CO₂ savings based on ESG metrics.

Here you can quickly see how much energy the fans save when they are controlled according to demand. (Graphic | ebm-papst)

Learn more about all our Digital Services

Digital services that measure and monitor your fans around the clock and provide intel­li­gent alarms and noti­fi­ca­tions offer the greatest bene­fits. Meet the chal­lenges of your industry with digital solu­tions from ebm‑papst.

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