© ebm-papst / KI

Core Func­tions: Condi­tion Moni­toring

With Condi­tion Moni­toring, you are able to under­stand the current status of your fan and iden­tify opti­miza­tion poten­tial based on its perfo­mance data. It makes your fan data visible and helps you to see not only that it is running, but how it is running – in real-time and clearly visu­al­ized.

Condi­tion Moni­toring is a core func­tion and uses current and histor­ical data to monitor the condi­tion of the systems. This digital twin provides a clear view of your system’s perfor­mance data around the clock and in real-time. Visu­al­izing the system and oper­ating data often uncovers easy-to-leverage effi­ciency gains, allowing you to quickly see when a system is running inef­fi­ciently. This enables you to iden­tify poten­tial prob­lems before they result in fail­ures – not only increasing oper­a­tional reli­a­bility but also extending the service life of the system with proac­tive main­te­nance.

The fans need and use an ebm-papst gateway to transmit data to the epCloud instantly. The data is then displayed on the dash­board. This gives you a clear overview of the oper­ating data at all times, allowing you to monitor and opti­mize the system. Effi­ciency gains can often be iden­ti­fied simply as a result of this visu­al­iza­tion.

On the dash­board you can see the perfor­mance data of your fan, including its energy consump­tion,
energy savings and temper­a­ture. (Graphic | ebm-papst)

Condi­tion Moni­toring includes features such as alarms and report gener­a­tion as well as the
tracking of specific aspects such as energy consump­tion, which can be used to support ESG reports. In addi­tion to this, the dash­board diplays a heatmap showing the historic energy consump­tion in corre­sponding colors, divided into hourly segments. This makes it easy to iden­tify times when a fan is running unnec­es­sarily.

Advan­tages of Condi­tion Moni­toring

  • Enables max energy and cost savings
  • Perfor­mance data visible in real-time and 24/7
  • Proac­tive main­te­nance
  • State of the art inter­faces to the customer cloud

Learn more about all our Digital Services

Digital services that measure and monitor your fans around the clock and provide intel­li­gent alarms and noti­fi­ca­tions offer the greatest bene­fits. Meet the chal­lenges of your industry with digital solu­tions from ebm‑papst.

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