
What the Tech: Smart Home: Are data driven build­ings our future?

A smart home collects digital data and connects your appli­ances and other elec­tronic devices with each other, so you can control them remotely. But the valu­able infor­ma­tion provided by the data has not yet been fully exploited!

Smart Home also refers to terms like Smart Living, Connected Home oder eHome. Smart build­ings, or more specif­i­cally data, make all this possible. After all, many build­ings already have automa­tion. But the valu­able infor­ma­tion provided by the data has not yet been fully exploited.

A building manage­ment system, or BMS for short, can help. This is a soft­ware solu­tion that analyzes, visu­al­izes and even controls this data. The only require­ment is that the building and its tech­nical facil­i­ties have automa­tion. Sensors then transmit the data, which is collated in cloud solu­tions. Addi­tional measures for opti­mizing the system can be derived from this analysis.

But fore­casts are not the only thing that can be gener­ated. A dash­board also provides a quick overview of the target and actual values and oper­ating statuses of all system compo­nents at any time.

Common func­tions of a BMS include switching lights on and off, dimming them to match back­ground light, and tracking energy usage. Heating, air condi­tioning and venti­lation systems can also be controlled via the system. All you need is the right equip­ment, such as fans with MODBUS inter­faces. If there are any oper­ating or fault messages, they can be read off directly and forwarded if neces­sary.

This can also be done remotely. And inte­grated, virtual switching elements mean that you can also inter­vene remotely if neces­sary. The building manage­ment system regu­lates and controls the building func­tions auto­mat­i­cally. Either through preset time programs or by autonomous opti­miza­tion, based on stored and eval­u­ated system data. So an intel­li­gent building manage­ment system can save 20 to 70 percent of energy – in large build­ings, but also in your own home.

Discover more:

Datadriven build­ings

Solu­tions for improved air quality and more

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