© max maier urbandevelopment

Climate-neutral district thanks to smart venti­lation

Europe’s first climate-neutral city quarter is being built in Ludwigs­burg. The Maier family is turning the digital dial and orga­nizing sustain­ability via the cloud. How the vision is becoming reality thanks to smart venti­lation.

An anchor for sustain­ability

The 200,000 square meter urban­harbor in Ludwigs­burg provides a dedi­cated ecosystem comprising star­tups from around the region, restau­rants, retail and enter­tain­ment venues. The vision behind it is to be the first produc­tive urban quarter in Europe to operate on a climate-neutral basis by 2030.

“Sustain­ability is my moti­va­tion.”

Max Maier, owner of Max Maier Urban Devel­op­ment, talks about his vision

Venti­lation from house to house

The factory halls used to make fridges and the like; now star­tups from around the region are working on ideas for the future in its state-of-the-art office facil­i­ties. The energy concept: The venti­lation system only conveys fresh air between the office and hall roof at the loca­tions where the staff actu­ally are.

Air where it’s needed

Christoph Hornek, respon­sible for the venti­lation and building services tech­nology, opted to try a new approach: A semi-central­ized venti­lation system with some 300 local preci­sion controlled ebm-papst fans, incor­po­rating the Cloud-based Building Connect plat­form from ebm-papst neo as the brain behind the demand-based control system.

“Air is not wasted.”

Christoph Hornek, CEO of i-on Engi­neering GmbH, about his approach

The brain behind the venti­lation

ebm-papst neo devel­oped the Building Connect plat­form for just such an appli­ca­tion. It uses sensor data to analyze the air quality and manages the ebm-papst preci­sion-controlled local fans accord­ingly. The site layout is perma­nently view­able on any mobile device.

“The staff in the offices feels better.”

Bernd Röhrscheid, tech­nical project manager at ebm-papst neo, on the impact of the project

The data path

The sensors measure the temper­a­ture, humidity, levels of TVOC (organic substances) and fine dust and the CO2 content in the air. The data is sent to the ebm-papst Cloud, where it is processed and trans­mitted to the fans as the basis for control­ling the venti­lation system. They increase their air perfor­mance when levels rise above 900 ppm until the value is back in the ideal range.

Vision has become reality

Demand-based control reduces the amount of air needing to be condi­tioned by around 50 percent, and cuts down the elec­tricity required to convey the air by 30 percent. Max Maier assumes that in Hall 8 in the worst case it will over­com­pen­sate by 63 to 250 tons more CO2 in addi­tion to achieving climate neutrality.

“A plat­form where people can be inspired.”

Max Maier, owner of Max Maier Urban Devel­op­ment, talks about the urban quarter

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