© Gernot Walter

“The air volume is iden­tical in both direc­tions of rota­tion”

The AxiRev 126 is the new stan­dard for effi­cient push-pull appli­ca­tions in resi­den­tial venti­lation. Tobias Sieger, respon­sible for the venti­lation design and flow simu­la­tion, explains how the reversing fan achieves this.

Mr. Sieger, why is the AxiRev needed?

With increasing require­ments for envi­ron­mental protec­tion and energy effi­ciency, more and more build­ings are being insu­lated and rooms are being sealed airtight. However, to ensure a healthy, pleasant indoor climate, a different form of air exchange is required. Decen­tral­ized resi­den­tial venti­lation units are being increas­ingly used for this purpose because they can be easily installed in existing building facades. However, the fans used face several chal­lenges, which the AxiRev solves in an optimal way.

What are these chal­lenges?

Tobias Sieger, respon­sible for the venti­lation design and flow simu­la­tion during the devel­op­ment of the AxiRev. (Photo | ebm-papst)

Firstly, the fans have to deliver a constant air flow in both direc­tions of rota­tion, even when the wind force changes. Secondly, they should operate very quietly while consuming as little elec­tricity as possible.

And the AxiRev does all of that?

Yes, we have devel­oped the new AxiRev reverse fan specif­i­cally for these push-pull appli­ca­tions. In this type of appli­ca­tion, the fan changes its direc­tion of rota­tion every minute. We equipped it with new low-noise motor tech­nology and an inno­v­a­tive aero­dy­namic design. The result is a uniform air flow, pleasant noise level, and maximum energy effi­ciency.

How did you make it wind­proof?

The char­ac­ter­istic curve is very steep, which means that, even in stormy weather condi­tions, there are only slight fluc­tu­a­tions in the air flow. This means that wind and storms have little influ­ence on the effi­ciency and func­tioning of the decen­tral­ized resi­den­tial venti­lation unit. The almost symmet­rical blade design ensures that the char­ac­ter­istic curve and thus also the volume of air conveyed are iden­tical in both direc­tions of rota­tion.

How did you reduce the noise?

This is based on a wide range of design and aero­dy­namic details. The striking blade tips and the open­ings at the ends of the blades mini­mize noise induced by the tip gap vortex, which in turn reduces the noise emis­sions. The thir­teen struts with an aero­dy­namic profile also reduce turbu­lent trails, which ensures a very good psychoa­coustic noise quality.

This means that the fan is not only quiet but its oper­ating noise is also perceived as pleasant. The highly effi­cient EC motor devel­oped espe­cially for this appli­ca­tion also works without annoying commu­ta­tion or switching noises, even at extremely low speeds — and flow design and motor tech­nology also enable very low energy consump­tion. 

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Axial fans

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