© Maison Deveaux

Woven from air – retrofit at a weaving mill

To ensure that the fabrics of the Maison Deveaux weaving mill in Saint-Vincent-de-Reins, France, meet the highest stan­dards, the air quality must be just right.

Fabrics that are flowing or robust, playful or elegant, modern or classic, striking or discreet: in the Deveaux fabric storage facility in Saint-Vincent-de-Reins, about 70 kilo­me­ters north-west of Lyon, you can see and feel that this is where creativity and skill are inter­woven. Deveaux has been producing textiles for over 200 years – currently with 37 employees and 63 looms. Every day they trans­form the finest cotton into up to 10,000 meters of fabric. And both man and machine depend on good air quality in the mill.

The venti­lation system was 20 years old. Now it was urgently time for a retrofit. (Photo | J. Moos)

Thibaud von Tschammer, Managing Director of Deveaux, explains: “We process cotton into luxu­rious fabrics and stable humidity is essen­tial for this. If it is not right, the looms react and produc­tivity can be halved. If the air is too dry, for example, the yarns can easily break. However, the ideal levels vary from mate­rial to mate­rial.” It’s just as impor­tant that circu­la­tion keeps the air clean: “The fine dust from the cotton other­wise settles on the textiles and makes work in the mill unpleasant,” says von Tschammer.

The height of fashion

That’s why 20 years ago, Deveaux decided to work with instal­la­tion company J.Moos, also based in the Rhône-Alpes region, to bring their venti­lation system up to the then state of the art. But like moths to a cloth, the ravages of time gnawed away at the system. “At the time, we had a partic­u­larly advanced venti­lation system installed by J.Moos, which made a deci­sive contri­bu­tion to the quality of our fabrics and hence to our good name in the textile industry. But like fashion, tech­nology continues to evolve. So we decided that the large system, which was consuming a lot of energy and was not flex­ible enough to adapt to changing require­ments, needed to be upgraded again,” says von Tschammer.

The construc­tion for one of the two FanGrids took place at the end of 2022. (Photo | J. Moos)

24 Radi­Pacs are used per FanGrid. (Photo | J. Moos)

Enter FanGrid

At the end of 2022, there was a clean-out: Instead of the four outdated AC axial compact fans in the venti­lation system, Deveaux received a total of 48 centrifugal fans from the RadiPac series from ebm-papst. With two fan walls of 24 Radi­Pacs each, it is ebm-papst’s largest FanGrid project in France to date.

It was clear to Hugues Letombe, the owner of J.Moos’ supplier Deressy Charlas, that it had to be RadiPac for Deveaux’s require­ments. As he explains: “When J.Moos contacted us about retro­fitting old gener­a­tion axial fans, I imme­di­ately thought of ebm-papst and its new K3G and RadiPac fans because of the require­ments. They work very effi­ciently, can be easily plugged together to form a FanGrid thanks to their cube design and have auto­matic reso­nance detec­tion on board.

This point was partic­u­larly impor­tant for Deveaux’s existing system so that it would last a long time. And indeed, this solu­tion is proving to be more effi­cient and reli­able, much quieter, and more energy-effi­cient and sustain­able.” Pascal Magnin, Tech­nical Director at J.Moos, confirms: “The new system is four times as quiet as the old one, and Deveaux is currently making energy savings of 30 percent.”

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