In the Netherlands, a lot is happening in terms of moving from conventional to modern, sustainable technology that is more efficient in the long term and protects the environment. According to the government, gas is no longer going to be used for domestic heating and hot water by 2050. Energy supplier Fortes has long since recognized the way things are going and relies entirely on district heating. The company has over 20 years of experience in this field. “We are market leaders in the Netherlands and are very technology focused,” says Dirk Ockhuizen, General Manager at Fortes. “In the district heating industry, we are the champions league when it comes to quality and expertise.”
The market is growing
Since 2013, Fortes has been using fully electronic heat interface units (HIUs) with an electronic controller from ebm-papst to distribute district heating. The room thermostat in the consumer’s house is connected to this unit and reports when heat is required. The interface then electronically opens the lines so that the exact amount of heat or hot water required can be obtained from the mains. This saves energy, because waste heat, for example from data centers, can also be used via the district heating network. This technology has been in high demand for years.
In the district heating industry, we are the champions league when it comes to quality and expertise.
Dirk Ockhuizen, General Manager at Fortes
“We are seeing growth in the market in the Netherlands,” says Paul Kuipers, Product Manager of Heating Technologies at ebm-papst. He says that, around ten years ago, 5,000 of the units were sold per year, and now it is around 30,000. Energy suppliers like Fortes rely on district heating and regulation using units such as the HIU 900 from ebm-papst.
High-quality partnership
In fall last year, the third generation of devices came onto the market, which impress with more connectivity, among other things. Operating information can be accessed from a cloud. “This allows us to see how the unit is behaving,” says Paul Kuipers. In the future, the data will also be used for remote diagnostics.
Fortes finds the collaboration with ebm-papst very productive. “As a market leader, our strategy is generally to ensure that our suppliers and partners have a similar position, and headquarters in Europe,” says Ockhuizen.“ We value experience in the heating sector. This also gives our customers security.”
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