© Gerlach Delissen Photography

With E-Power over the race track

If it is down to InMo­tion, elec­tric sports cars will soon be hurtling around all race­tracks. In August 2021, the student team from Eind­hoven presented the “Revo­lu­tion”, which can be charged in 12 minutes. Equipped with AxiEco fans from ebm-papst, the finishing line is getting a bit closer.

InMotion’s racing car is a revo­lu­tion, which is why it is also called Revo­lu­tion – with complete self-confi­dence. It accel­er­ates from 0 to 100 kilo­me­ters per hour in 6.5 seconds and its maximum speed is 297 kilo­me­ters per hour in simu­la­tions to date. A specially devel­oped battery pack consists of 30 modules, each with 12 cells, and has a total capacity of 57.6 kWh, and it supplies the racing car with the energy it requires. Thanks to a sophis­ti­cated cooling system, this battery pack can currently be charged in just 12 minutes. The new AxiEco fans from ebm-papst help to achieve this.

The aim: The Revo­lu­tion will be full charged within 7.5 minutes.

InMo­tion is a student racing team and unites 15 students from the Eind­hoven Univer­sity of Tech­nology and the Fontys Univer­sity of Applied Sciences. They work together on elec­tric racing cars at the Auto­mo­tive Campus in Helmond. To achieve this, they have put their studies on hold for a year. When the year is over, new car enthu­si­asts will join in.

Tinkering on elec­tric cars – not just for motor sport

The time at InMo­tion is an exciting time for all members. The focus is on researching, adapting and testing the race car. The 2021/2022 team made many adjust­ments during the assembly, partic­u­larly to the Revolution’s suspen­sion. One advan­tage of the project is that the team members come into contact with inter­esting compa­nies and profes­sions, which helps them to expand their network. Many former InMo­tion members are still closely asso­ci­ated with the project.

Tinkering with an elec­tric car – not just for the race track. (Photo | Gerlach Delissen Photog­raphy)

InMo­tion is working inten­sively on elec­tric vehi­cles’ biggest chal­lenge, the battery. Charging time is not only a major issue for racing cars but – above all – on the regular car market: the long charging time is an obstacle for many poten­tial buyers. The team’s aim is to make the charging process as short as filling up the fuel pump and to make elec­tric vehi­cles more attrac­tive as a result. To achieve this, they are working on the battery pack cooling system. The goal is in sight: The plan is for the Revo­lu­tion to soon be fully charged in just seven and a half minutes.

In this casing, three AxiEco axial fans from ebm-papst provide cooling for the charging process. This means that the charging process can currently be short­ened to 12 minutes.

To opti­mize the cooling process, InMo­tion approached ebm-papst. After all, fans play an impor­tant role in cooling. The car’s engine and batteries are not only cooled with water but also with air. The fans have to move a lot of air, espe­cially during the charging process, when the car is stationary. There­fore, only axial fans are suit­able as they can dissi­pate the air through the compo­nent against the resis­tance: just like the AxiEco.

Reaching the goal with expert knowl­edge

ebm-papst is more than happy to support the student racing team with expert knowl­edge and hard­ware. This will enable years of expe­ri­ence in the venti­lation tech­nology and auto­mo­tive sectors to be passed on to the next gener­a­tion of car builders. Thanks to regular talks with ebm-papst contacts in the Nether­lands, Rick van Oost­erom (Sales Engi­neer) and Tijs de Bruin (Product Manager), InMo­tion receives a lot of addi­tional infor­ma­tion on venti­lation and drive tech­nology. The collab­o­ra­tion with ebm-papst brings the team a step closer to their goal.

“Revo­lu­tion” elec­tric racing car – on all tracks soon? (Photo | Gerlach Delissen Photog­raphy)

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The AxiEco series

Highly efficient under pressure