
Venti­lation Upgrade for the Poly­ester Manu­fac­turer

Quieter, more effi­cient, requiring less main­te­nance – those were the demands of pack­aging giant Poly­plex for its new venti­lation system. And it found the solu­tion in the form of an ebm-papst FanGrid with EC fans.

Whether it’s a yogurt lid, a candy wrapper, or a cable sheath, there’s a pretty good chance that the basic mate­rial was produced by Poly­plex. The company is one of the biggest names in its field, producing a wide variety of PET films for a range of appli­ca­tions.

At its head office in the Thai capital Bangkok, the company has been focused on signif­i­cantly driving down oper­ating costs. As a result, the venti­lation system’s energy consump­tion has halved.

Greater Effi­ciency Thanks to Modern Fans

The 20-year-old belt-driven AC fans in the manu­fac­turing facility in Bangkok had defi­nitely seen better days. This was clear from the much too high energy consump­tion and contin­u­ally increasing main­te­nance costs. What’s more, the fans left increas­ingly more to be desired in terms of cooling.

A FanGrid makes it possible to control the venti­lation system more easily, while making it signif­i­cantly more reli­able.

When searching for new fans for the venti­lation system, the Poly­plex team came across prod­ucts from ebm-papst – more specif­i­cally, EC RadiPac fans. The team at ebm-papst Thai­land suggested installing two of these fans in a FanGrid. This makes it possible to control the venti­lation system more easily, while making it signif­i­cantly more reli­able. If one of the fans malfunc­tions, the other can easily compen­sate for this problem by increasing its speed.

Retrofit in Two Days

Once Poly­plex had been won over by this approach, the upgrade began: In just two days of inten­sive team­work, the assembly team removed the old fans and installed the new ones from ebm-papst. The team carried out the retrofit in record time, meaning that Poly­plex could imme­di­ately benefit from a quieter venti­lation system with full speed control, and energy savings of 49 percent.

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