The “Aalborg Storcenter” is open seven days a week. The 75 stores in this shopping center in Denmark’s fourth-largest city attract over six million customers annually. The building, which has 27,000 square meters of floor space, needs optimized air conditioning throughout the year. Until now, that meant high energy costs. As a result, Claus Münster of ATP Real Estate, the shopping center’s owner, was pleased to accept an invitation to a customer event held by ebm-papst and its installation partner Kemp & Lauritzen. The topic: potential savings from a retrofit.

75 stores on 27,000 square meters of floor space attract over six million customers annually. They expect optimized air conditioning.
eebm-papst forecast significant savings from the replacement of the 102 old fans, which had been made in 1996, the year the shopping center was built. Münster decided to perform a live test. For a week, an EC fan ran in the Aalborg Storcenter alongside the old fans. The result of the comparison: savings of 50 percent. “Once he’d seen it with his own eyes, Claus Münster was completely convinced,” recalls Niels Knokgård, Marketing Manager at ebm-papst Denmark. Now the retrofit needed to happen quickly. The fans were replaced from August to October, after the summer vacation and in time for the Christmas shopping season.
Lower costs, better conditions inside
“The only thing that bothers me is that we didn’t do it sooner,” says Münster today. “Now we’re saving 20,000 kilowatt-hours every month.” That means savings of 25,000 euros per year. Not only are the new fans more economical, they also improve conditions inside by circulating the air better. And they’re quieter than their predecessors. ebm-papst replaced one of the 102 fans with one that is two sizes larger to make an even better fit with the air pressure and air flow.
The ventilation system draws in fresh air from the building’s roof and mixes it with the warm air from inside the shopping center, so the cold air from outside needs less warming. Store operators can decide for themselves how warm it should be in their shops. For example, electronics stores in which the air is heated up by PCs, televisions and cell phones, can reduce their temperature with a small system in the store while clothing stores can keep their rooms warmer to make trying on clothes more pleasant. The facility management system controls the fan speeds. “The old fans had very inefficient speed control,” says Münster. “In the new fans, it’s already built in. That makes them much more easily and precisely adjustable.”
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