© Lukas Zwiessele
© Lukas Zwiessele

Retrofit network expands: ebm-papst and Systemair partner up

A retrofit is a simple and quick measure to achieve energy and cost savings and protect the envi­ron­ment. As a tech­nology leader, ebm-papst has been supplying highly effi­cient EC fans, sensors, gate­ways and digital services for years. With Systemair GmbH in Germany, ebm-papst now has another partner at its side to provide customers with retro­fits.

Retro­fitting fans

Rising costs, legally required reduc­tion of CO2 emis­sions – retro­fits provide a solu­tion.

“ebm-papst and Systemair are united in their striving for greater effi­ciency,” says Klaus Geißdörfer, CEO of the ebm-papst Group, summa­rizing the commit­ment of the long­standing part­ners. Reason enough to initiate a collab­o­ra­tion in the field of retro­fitting that will benefit the end customers. Depending on the age of the existing system, a retrofit can result in energy and cost savings of 20 up to 50 percent. Addi­tion­ally, customers benefit from the reduced CO2 foot­print and the ability to accu­rately record consump­tion, using it for ESG reporting. In addi­tion to highly effi­cient EC fans, ebm-papst supplies sensors, gate­ways and soft­ware in the form of digital services for retro­fits.

As a manu­fac­turer and expert for venti­lation systems and devices, Systemair knows its prod­ucts and customers inside out – and will in future offer retro­fits of Systemair systems and systems from other suppliers as a service. The appro­priate hard­ware and soft­ware prefer­ably from ebm-papst will be used. In future, even more compa­nies will benefit from the many advan­tages of a retrofit. From a single source!

Dr. Klaus Geißdörfer

ebm-papst Group

“At ebm-papst, we provide both plug-and-play retrofit solu­tions and a vast global network.”

Dr. Klaus Geißdörfer

ebm-papst Group

Kurt Maurer

Managing Director
Systemair GmbH

“Thanks to our part­ner­ship with ebm-papst, we can now offer retro­fits to our end customers.”

Kurt Maurer

Managing Director
Systemair GmbH

“We are striving for more effi­ciency”

Klaus Geißdörfer explains why ebm-papst and Systemair have been part­ners for years.

Convinced by the solu­tion

Systemair is leading by example – and retro­fits its own venti­lation system in the produc­tion facility in Windis­chbuch in summer 2024. In future, Systemair will offer such retro­fits as a service for its customers, with highly effi­cient EC fans from ebm-papst. Klaus Geißdörfer and Kurt Maurer are looking forward to the collab­o­ra­tion.

“Making signi­fant savings from the third day”

Kurt Maurer explains the retrofit in the produc­tion facility of Systemair.

Retro­fits are that easy

Systemair carried out the removal of the old, belt-driven fan itself. On the second day, Markus Hornung from Pfänder GmbH installed the new fans: Two RadiPac EC fans each with Flow­Grid in the supply and exhaust air of the venti­lation system. The instal­la­tion only took a few hours. In addi­tion, a gateway from ebm-papst neo was installed in the control cabinet, which records the air para­me­ters and enables moni­toring.

“We can realize up to 50 % energy savings”

Klaus Geißdörfer reports from his expe­ri­ence on when and why a retrofit is worth­while.

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