© Angelika Grossmann

Quiet fans in the bath­room

In the search for peace and quiet, Silvento fans from LUNOS make you yearn to be in your bath­room.

Your coworkers are phoning loudly again, or chat­ting right in front of your cubicle, and constantly somebody’s coming by with ques­tions — and you’re supposed to concen­trate on your work? Impos­sible. What to do? Head for the bath­room, because there’s one thing you can be sure of there: peace and quiet — at least when a Silvento fan from LUNOS Lüftung­stechnik GmbH is keeping the air fresh. This product line features extremely low noise and the highest pres­sure increase for its size. The fans also excel with their low power consump­tion. “Energy effi­ciency had top priority while we were devel­oping it,” says Michael Merscher, tech­nical director at LUNOS. “After all, this is the para­meter that decides how well our fan will do on the market.”

Energy effi­ciency had top priority during the devel­op­ment.

Michael Merscher, tech­nical director at LUNOS

LUNOS was quick to recog­nize how impor­tant the issue would become, and in the fan and motor manu­fac­turer ebm-papst they found the right partner: its EC centrifugal blowers are installed in the Silvento fans. A completely customized product that both compa­nies devel­oped together over a period of three years. The effort was worth it. With its prize-winning fan series, LUNOS is now a market leader.

Little space, lots of power

Limited space was a special chal­lenge for the devel­op­ment part­ner­ship. “Our customers want fans that are quiet and can reli­ably trans­port the required air volumes,” says Michael Merscher in describing the require­ments. “They also need to always deliver the same perfor­mance in different instal­la­tion scenarios without compli­cated settings,” he adds. To save space, ebm-papst sepa­rated the motor controller from the fan. Now it can simply be placed wher­ever enough space is avail­able without blocking the air flow. That makes instal­la­tion easier.

Thanks to elec­tronic control, the fans can also be customized with various control options such as sensors for humidity detec­tion so they can ensure a pleasant bathing – or working – envi­ron­ment.

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Additional product information can be found here:

Centrifugal fans

Complete series for every application