
KINFIT: Achieving Green Cooling Towers with EC Tech­nology

Cooling towers, recog­nized as crucial cooling devices, find wide­spread use in indus­trial parks, urban complexes, and city centers. Beyond their cooling effi­ciency, energy consump­tion and reli­a­bility are indis­pens­able factors for eval­u­ating cooling tower perfor­mance. KINFIT, a promi­nent domestic manu­fac­turer of central air condi­tioning equip­ment, recently joined forces with ebm-papst to revamp the cooling tower systems at a semi­con­ductor facility.

Estab­lished in September 2005, KINFIT manu­fac­tures and markets an array of prod­ucts, including combined air handling units, air handling units, constant-temper­a­ture and humidity air handling units, and rotary dehu­mid­i­fying air condi­tioning units.

In recent years, KINFIT has proac­tively engaged in energy-saving reno­va­tion projects in line with the “Dual Carbon” policy. Sharing a common vision, ebm-papst and EC tech­nology became their chosen part­ners. Conse­quently, when the semi­con­ductor facility expressed their desire for retro­fitting and upgrading their cooling towers, KINFIT imme­di­ately reached out to ebm-papst.

The roof after the new cooling towers have been installed. (Photo | ebm-papst)

A new era: the instal­la­tion of new cooling towers. (Photo | ebm-papst)

Maximum effi­ciency ensures energy savings

To tackle these issues, KINFIT and ebm-papst opted to replace the existing solu­tion with 2 AxiBlade EC fans. The retrofit commenced on April 26, 2023, at 10:00 AM and was completed in approx­i­mately 7 hours. Following the system restart, the owner and KINFIT assessed the energy-saving perfor­mance of the EC fans based on temper­a­ture differ­en­tials between inlet and outlet water and power consump­tion before and after the upgrade.

Improve­ment through retro­fitting: the old devices were replaced by AxiBlade fans. (Photo | ebm-papst)

Improve­ment through retro­fitting: the old devices were replaced by AxiBlade fans. (Photo | ebm-papst)

The data revealed an impres­sive energy-saving rate of 51.25% in this project. When extrap­o­lated for an annual oper­a­tion of 6,912 hours (assuming contin­uous oper­a­tion in the summer and an esti­mated annual usage of 80%), the result trans­lates to annual elec­tricity cost savings exceeding 16,000 RMB (about 2,000 Euro). Consid­ering labor and mate­rial costs, the annual reno­va­tion bene­fits surpass 18,000 RMB (about 2,300 Euros).

More quality of life through envi­ron­mental friend­li­ness

This collab­o­ra­tion not only signif­i­cantly reduced oper­a­tional costs of the cooling towers through the energy-saving and main­te­nance-free design of the EC fans but also bene­fited from KINFIT’s customized control cabinet and metic­u­lous atten­tion to construc­tion details, further enhancing the closed-loop control and effi­cient oper­a­tion of the cooling towers.

As KINFIT empha­sizes, the commit­ment to “ease the burden for customers” is shared by every member of their team. Their joint aim is to contribute to green building reno­va­tions and foster an improved quality of life, a commit­ment that unites both ebm-papst and KINFIT.

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Additional product information can be found here:

Axial fan AxiBlade

Efiicient, quiet, flexible