© ebm-papst

Fan comis­sioning: ebm-papst Service App

The ebm-papst Service App simpli­fies fan commis­sioning for customers and specialist part­ners to save them value­able time during fan setup. It enables you to set-up, commis­sion, para­me­terize and manage your fans effort­lessly – including cloud connec­tion, a fan test run and a final report.

The app helps you to install new fans and systems quickly and cost-effec­tively. Even staff with limited expe­ri­ence can handle the commis­sioning process easily and securely via smart­phone. The Service App provides step-by-step guid­ance through the commis­sioning process, with a clear and intu­itive user inter­face. Thus complex systems can be set up in just a few clicks. It also enables effort­less cloud inte­gra­tion for real-time moni­toring and diag­nos­tics via Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Global System for Mobile Commu­ni­ca­tions, and BLE.

To begin the setup process, users connect their device to the fan and ebm-past gateway via Blue­tooth. The app then applies intu­itive commis­sioning as it auto­mat­i­cally iden­ti­fies the fans and assigns address numbers to them, turning this tedious process into a thing of the past. Thanks to the “wink or blink” func­tion, the app enables a quick and easy fan address assign­ment according to the fan’s posi­tion, saving a lot of time, espe­cially with large or complex systems.

Advan­tages of the ebm-papst Service App

  • Effort­less Fan Comis­sioning
  • Para­me­ter­i­za­tion & Fan Manage­ment
  • Fan Test Run & Reporting
  • Live Dash­board

After the addresses have been assigned, the next step is the para­me­ter­i­za­tion. Depending on the selected system type, the Service App suggests the most rele­vant para­me­ters for the selec­tion. Users can then efine the para­me­ters indi­vid­u­ally or for entire fan groups. This saves users valu­able time and plays a role in the prevailing shortage of skilled workers. At the end of the process, the user can initiate a fan test run to check that the system is fully func­tional and generate a report on the instal­la­tion.

The ebm-papst Service App allows for a quick fan setup and an effort­less comis­sioning and
para­me­ter­i­za­tion process of the fans – including report gener­a­tion and a live dash­board. (Photo | ebm-papst)

Learn more about all our Digital Services

Digital services that measure and monitor your fans around the clock and provide intel­li­gent alarms and noti­fi­ca­tions offer the greatest bene­fits. Meet the chal­lenges of your industry with digital solu­tions from ebm‑papst.

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