© Gernot Walter

“More power for local heating”

How the new G3G 315 pre-mix blower helps to create an effi­cient local heating supply is explained by Chris­tian Diegritz, Head of Product Manage­ment, Marketing and Commu­ni­ca­tion at ebm-papst.

What is the advan­tage of the new pre-mix blower?

Up until now there has not been a suit­able high-effi­ciency, modu­lating gas blower on the market for single boilers with a heat output of more than one megawatt. Multiple boilers had to be oper­ated in cascade arrange­ment to achieve higher outputs. The G3G 315 pre-mix blower is designed for a heat output of up to two megawatts. That is the level of heat output required to provide 50-story apart­ment blocks or roughly 100 indi­vidual houses with heating and hot water, for example. And that can now be achieved with one boiler. Which means that not only is less space required, it also cuts main­te­nance costs.

Where are such gas-condensing boilers used?

There is a distinct trend toward ecolog­ical gas heating systems situ­ated on the spot for local supply. In the light of rising energy prices and strin­gent envi­ron­mental stan­dards for new build­ings, a district heating supply is not always an ideal solu­tion. Even if the pipes are well insu­lated, the heat losses during trans­porta­tion of the heating water and the mate­rial expen­di­ture for laying pipes over long distances are simply too high. Decen­tral­ized heating solu­tions with natural gas pipes make it possible to reduce this outlay. On top of that, natural gas pipes are virtu­ally main­te­nance-free. A local heating supply is thus far more effi­cient for large build­ings like apart­ment blocks, as well as for resi­den­tial areas.

How did ebm-papst enhance the perfor­mance of the blower?

Chris­tian Diegritz, Head of Product Manage­ment, Marketing and Commu­ni­ca­tion at ebm-papst. (Photo | ebm-papst)

Devel­op­ment was based on an existing motor plat­form that we then adapted to the special require­ments of the heating sector. For instance, we managed to obtain an optimum balance between the aero­dy­namics of the impeller and the motor char­ac­ter­is­tics. Speeds of up to 6,000 revo­lu­tions per minute are now possible thanks to the new motor and elec­tronics config­u­ra­tion. Together with the opti­mized air routing of the fan, this permits a broad blower modu­la­tion range of up to 1 : 8. And so the gas-condensing boiler can operate econom­i­cally even with a widely fluc­tu­ating heating demand.

What is the situ­a­tion with regard to tech­nical incor­po­ra­tion into appli­ca­tions?

Along­side effi­cient combus­tion, ease of incor­po­ra­tion into modern control systems was a further impor­tant aspect for us. All the impor­tant data are trans­ferred via a stan­dard­ized inter­face in the motor actu­a­tion system. These data can also be exchanged by way of a MODBUS inter­face.


Effi­ciency close to home

A local heating network is substan­tially more effi­cient than district heating. But to date there has been a lack of space-saving solu­tions for gas-condensing boilers. The new pre-mix blower from ebm-papst will change all that.

50 stories or 100 indi­vidual houses

A high-effi­ciency boiler with an output of two megawatts can supply up to 50 stories or a resi­den­tial area with 100 indi­vidual houses.

A single boiler

In the past, multiple condensing boilers had to be combined to produce such an output. Now a single boiler is suffi­cient. That cuts the costs of instal­la­tion, oper­a­tion and main­te­nance.

Less compli­cated, more quickly imple­mented

With a natural gas supply, energy can be conveyed without any losses even over long distances. What’s more, a single gas pipe can trans­port more energy than a complex district heating piping system with insu­lated supply and return pipes. The infra­struc­ture is thus less compli­cated, and building projects can be imple­mented more quickly even in conur­ba­tions.

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  • That the very useful infor­ma­tion i get after reading the article about energy effi­ciency by putting a modu­lating gas blower for boiler.