© Die Magaziniker

“This is how the AxiEco fits perfectly in heat pumps”

The AxiEco conquers the heat pump market as a Plug-in. Dominik Bork, a designer in periph­erals devel­op­ment in Mulfingen, explains what it took for the evolu­tion of the product range to become a success.

Mr. Bork, why did ebm-papst develop the AxiEco Plug-in?

We wanted to opti­mize our well-known product range so that it would also fits opti­mally in heat pumps. After all, heat pumps need reli­able fans that convey air through the heat exchanger. Our AxiEco offers the perfect prop­er­ties for this. So we have devel­oped a special mounting with which the fan can be easily and precisely inte­grated into the heat pump circuit.

What makes the AxiEco so suit­able for heat pumps?

Dominik Bork, a designer in periph­erals devel­op­ment in Mulfingen

Heat pumps are usually used outdoors. As a result, they should func­tion reli­ably even in bad weather condi­tions, espe­cially at low temper­a­tures. After all, moist air freezes on the fins of the heat exchanger. This results in pres­sure loss and less air flows through it. In this case, the fan must compen­sate for the loss and operate under higher back pres­sure. The chal­lenge is then contin­uing to deliver a consis­tently high air flow. Compared to other axial fans, the AxiEco can easily achieve this thanks to its design. It is also less suscep­tible to ice forma­tion with its inlet ring and lack of air gap. In addi­tion, the AxiEco oper­ates very quietly even at a high back pres­sure.

This is ideal for use in heat pumps. After all, the systems also run in front of resi­den­tial build­ings. Here, loud fans would simply be too disrup­tive.

30 %

lighter than the previous model

up to

20 %

more effi­cient than the previous model

quieter than its prede­cessor by up to

5 dB(A)

5500 m3/h

maximum air flow

What is new about the Plug-in?

The most striking new feature is the combi­na­tion of mounting and Flow­Grid, and another is that it is made of plastic. This makes the AxiEco Plug-in a real light­weight in the product range and makes the axial fan easier to install as a plug-and-play solu­tion with a number of screw-on points and the option of fitting heating tape. We have also placed the Flow­Grid on the intake side. This prevents turbu­lence before the air flows through the fan.

Why is this impor­tant?

We have devel­oped the AxiEco Plug-in specially for heat pumps with little space. So there may still be compo­nents upstream of the fan that swirl the intake air and make the fan notice­ably more inef­fi­cient and louder. The Flow­Grid prevents this by recti­fying the incoming air. At the same time, the AxiEco Plug-in is very compact, as it has no mounting on the outlet side. This makes it even easier to fit into the tight instal­la­tion space of the heat pump and it can play out its strengths in this appli­ca­tion, no matter whether it is used for heating or cooling.

Read more about heat pumps:

Sustain­able energy supply with heat pumps

ebm-papst offers effi­cient and quiet prod­ucts suit­able for indoor, outdoor or hybrid heat pump appli­ca­tions.

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Additional product information can be found here:

The AxiEco series

Highly efficient under pressure