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Part­ner­ship with SENAI: Knowl­edge that lasts

Theory and prac­tice come together in the new labo­ra­tory at the SENAI School in São Paulo. With the support of ebm-papst Brazil, students in refrig­er­a­tion and venti­lation tech­nology are preparing for a sustain­able future. For them­selves – and the entire industry.

Since 1942, the non-profit orga­ni­za­tion SENAI has been training top-class skilled profes­sionals in Brazil – 55 million to this day. Students in refrig­er­a­tion and air condi­tioning tech­nology always learn at the cutting edge of tech­nology. However, to prepare them for a future in which tech­nology is constantly changing, they need part­ners also working on sustain­able solu­tions.

We are passionate about investing in the training of young people who will posi­tively change the future of our country and the industry.

Sidnei Ivanof, Managing Director ebm-papst Brasil

There­fore, SENAI has coop­er­ated with ebm-papst Brazil for many years to offer young people in the industry the best learning oppor­tu­ni­ties. This includes the opening of a state-of-the-art tech­nology labo­ra­tory in August 2023, which the part­ners built and equipped together. The finan­cial support has not only provided the perfect accom­pa­ni­ment to the SENAI School’s learning program, but has also secured the part­ner­ship until 2028.

Sidnei Ivanof (rechts), Manage­ment Director ebm-papst Brasil and Eduardo Macedo, Director of SENAI School open the new premises.

As Sidnei Ivanof, Managing Director of ebm-papst Brazil, explains: “We are happy to share the knowl­edge we have gained from our day-to-day work in the industry with the young profes­sionals of tomorrow. This helps to advance the profes­sional devel­op­ment of each indi­vidual.” Students benefit from the latest tech­nical equip­ment and get to know energy-effi­cient centrifugal, axial, and tangen­tial blowers in prac­tice. This deepens their under­standing of para­me­ters such as air flow, the effect of ice forma­tion and the optimum control of refrig­erant pres­sure.

Students benefit from the latest equip­ment. (Photo | ebm-papst)

But it’s not just students who use the facil­i­ties: Thanks to a special license, the labo­ra­tory can also be used for internal training, product demon­stra­tions, teacher train­ings from other SENAI units across the country, and for ebm-papst customers. “We are passionate about investing in the training of young people who will posi­tively change the future of our country and the industry,” says Sidnei Ivanof, summa­rizing the initia­tive.

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Our DNA: sustain­ability, digi­tal­iza­tion, inno­va­tion

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