
What the Tech: How do you replace a defec­tive fan?

In order for a part to func­tion as a whole, parts that are damaged must be replaced. When a fan breaks down, it must be replaced: A retrofit, i.e. a fan replace­ment in venti­lation systems is neces­sary.

A fan replace­ment protects against damage to the entire system and increases the service life of the system. This saves a lot of energy. To ensure that every­thing goes well with the retrofit, basic things should be observed.

For one thing, you should always know the construc­tion site on site. After all, not only must the broken fan be removed, but the new unit must also be installed. In addi­tion, it is also neces­sary to find out whether the building has changed as a result of remod­eling since a fan was first installed. Secondly, the current condi­tion should always be docu­mented: Alti­tude, temper­a­ture, humidity and possi­bil­i­ties of elec­trical inte­gra­tion are impor­tant to know in order to select a suit­able new fan.

A precise schedule must also be estab­lished, because often oper­a­tion can only be stopped briefly and at certain times for replace­ment.

Last but not least, it is best to double-check all docu­men­ta­tion, even if there is exten­sive docu­men­ta­tion of the fan instal­la­tion. All impor­tant key points should be veri­fied again directly.

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