Gaining, sharing and using expe­ri­ence

Thomas Borst on knowl­edge transfer at ebm-papst.

Dear readers,

Every day we gain expe­ri­ence in many different appli­ca­tions – from cruise ships to inhalers for horses. An existing tech­nology that we gain expe­ri­ence with in one sector can be a true inno­va­tion in a different sector, offering customers there a way to stand out from their competi­tors. But for that to be possible, the prover­bial left hand has to know what the right hand is doing. Here at ebm-papst we work to make sure that infor­ma­tion that flows in at one place can be trans­ferred to other appli­ca­tions. We have estab­lished processes at the customer inter­face to allow the freedom of move­ment required for this transfer.

At the same time, our product toolbox provides the general capa­bility to combine a wide range of impellers, motors and other tech­nolo­gies to match many different customer require­ments. A good example is the micro-CHP unit from Flow­group: This solu­tion owes its success not least to the ability to match the motor tech­nology of a BG 43 with the NRG 118 blower system. Another example of this transfer are the RadiPac centrifugal fans, which have proven them­selves in everyday air condi­tioning use and are now holding their own in tough condi­tions at sea.

This broad expe­ri­ence in the use of energy-effi­cient prod­ucts was also the reason MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS approached us in their search for a team partner for venti­lation tech­nology. In this issue, you can read about the solu­tions our part­ner­ships reached in these and other projects.

Thomas Borst
Managing Director Sales and Marketing ebm-papst Group

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