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ebm-papst UK wins two National ACR Awards

ebm-papst cornered two awards at the National ACR Awards in Birm­ingham. The inde­pen­dent jury named its AxiTop diffuser “Ancil­lary refrig­er­a­tion product of the year” and the company itself “Envi­ron­mental cham­pion”. The jury partic­u­larly praised ebm-papst’s corpo­rate philos­ophy, namely to contin­u­ally make all its prod­ucts more econom­ical and more resource-effi­cient. They honoured the AxiTop because it is “a very clever product that clearly stands out from the compe­ti­tion”.

David Jarvis, Managing Director ebm-papst UK, was delighted with the honours: “Both awards are recog­ni­tion of our commit­ment to contin­uous product inno­va­tion that not only helps our customers but also helps the envi­ron­ment. We will continue to strive for further product inno­va­tion in the future.”

The National ACR Awards were launched by the tech­nical maga­zine ACR Journal to reward inno­va­tion and best prac­tices in the insti­tu­tions and prod­ucts of the air condi­tioning and refrig­er­a­tion industry. This year, 51 entries from 36 compa­nies competed for awards in ten cate­gories.

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