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Unique air handling solu­tion for exclu­sive shop­ping mall

A change of atmos­phere in the shop­ping centre

Sandton City is one of Johannesburg’s largest and most exclu­sive shop­ping centres. In the course of its moderni­sa­tion, a new air handling concept was devel­oped employing 140 RadiPac fans from ebm-papst.


The RadiPac spider type is the best alter­na­tive for smaller sizes as this unit can simply be screwed to the device wall

The modular Viking air handling units had to be adapted to the partic­ular condi­tions and different instal­la­tion situ­a­tions encoun­tered. This involved the devel­op­ment of five differ­ently dimen­sioned units with three modular sections each.

An ideal air supply is provided by RadiPac fans with a diam­eter of 400 mm. These were installed in the form of a vertical wall in a typical FanGrid and can be indi­vid­u­ally regu­lated to suit the instal­la­tion loca­tion and the required air supply by way of a 0-10 V control signal.

The manu­fac­turing process was extremely straight­for­ward, as all the Radi­Pacs are of a stan­dard size with iden­tical impellers and motors. Main­te­nance work is also reduced to a minimum by not having to adjust any belt drives.

The crux of the matter:

The Viking solu­tion shows just how impor­tant it is to have highly effi­cient motor tech­nology, opti­mised aero­dy­namics and intel­li­gent control elec­tronics all working in perfect harmony. This is the key to creating concepts which set new stan­dards. EN_RLT_technical data

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