© Gernot Walter

“Higher effi­ciency levels reduce oper­ating costs”

Increased power, greater effi­ciency, less noise. Uwe Sigloch, Director of Product Manage­ment at ebm-papst Mulfingen, talks about the devel­op­ment and advan­tages of the latest-gener­a­tion RadiPac series.

Mr. Sigloch, what were the key factors driving the enhance­ment of the RadiPac?

Uwe Sigloch, Director of Product Manage­ment at ebm-papst Mulfingen (Photo | ebm-papst)

We are constantly improving our fans for venti­lation and air condi­tioning appli­ca­tions because our users’ demands are increasing rapidly — partic­u­larly when it comes to control options and energy effi­ciency. The main drivers here are compli­ance with legal require­ments, growing envi­ron­mental aware­ness, and the poten­tial for savings on oper­ating costs. We are also opti­mizing the RadiPac series as part of our contin­uous improve­ment process.

How is this demon­strated by the new gener­a­tion of fans?

The new gener­a­tion of RadiPac fans oper­ates at higher effi­ciency levels. Higher speeds also ensure greater air flow and a static pres­sure increase to up to 2,000 Pa or more, meaning even “high-pres­sure appli­ca­tions” can be covered. The noise level has also been reduced further. In compar­ison to the prede­cessor series, the noise level has been reduced by three to seven dB(A), depending on the oper­ating point. To meet the require­ments of different instal­la­tion situ­a­tions, this new centrifugal fan series is also avail­able in a stan­dard and short version.

How did you achieve these improve­ments?

We opti­mized the impeller in line with the latest aero­dy­namic find­ings, which has played a key role in the further devel­op­ment of the fan. In conjunc­tion with the injec­tion molding process used, the high-strength, glass-fiber-rein­forced composite mate­rial enables a complex shape to be produced. This blade geom­etry dras­ti­cally reduces flow losses. The driving force behind the new RadiPac centrifugal fans are high-effi­ciency Green­Tech EC motors in the power range from 500 W to 8 kW. The power output of the inte­grated elec­tronics has been further improved and the motor dimen­sions are even more compact. This makes the drive currently the most powerful in its class. 

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