Steam oven: A pro for the home

The BORA brand is known for effi­cient and perfectly designed cooktop extrac­tion systems. With the BORA X BO, the company is now entering the oven market and setting new stan­dards right away: The inno­v­a­tive combi­na­tion of steamer and oven conjures up dishes like those in Michelin-starred kitchen.

Matt black gloss, simple elegance and no annoying levers or knobs: the new BORA X BO steam oven is a perfect match for the high aesthetic stan­dards with which kitchen appli­ance manu­fac­turer BORA has made a name for itself. But its elegant design is not the only thing that sets the BORA X BO apart. Behind the mini­malist surface lies the finest tech­nology. Rein­hard Hofer, Project Manage­ment R&D Team Lead at BORA, explains: “This steam oven offers private customers options that were previ­ously only avail­able in profes­sional kitchens. It makes cooking a breeze.”

“What was special about this project was that, for the first time in our many years of coop­er­a­tion with BORA, it combined compo­nents from both Mulfingen and Land­shut.”

Jens Peter, Regional Sales Manager at ebm-papst Mulfingen

Optimal heat distri­b­u­tion

For the FlexBack­ofen BORA X BO, the soft­ware devel­opers created a large number of preset programs in collab­o­ra­tion with award-winning chefs. These programs can be called up very easily using the 19-inch touch­screen display and lead to perfect results. From crack­ling pork roast to fish and tender pastries a capac­itor motor from ebm-papst Land­shut ensures that dishes succeed on all three cooking levels by opti­mally distrib­uting heat in the cooking chamber.

Tech­nology from ebm-papst also plays an impor­tant role in another high­light of the BORA X BO, as the auto­matic steam extrac­tion system uses a centrifugal blower from ebm-papst Mulfingen. “What was special about this project was that, for the first time in our many years of coop­er­a­tion with BORA, it combined compo­nents from both Mulfingen and Land­shut,” explains Jens Peter, Regional Sales Manager at ebm-papst Mulfingen.

Clever steam extrac­tion

For the FlexBack­ofen BORA X BO, the Land­shut designers short­ened a stan­dard motor and fitted two new bearing brackets to make room for it on the back of the steamer. The centrifugal blower, which is auto­mat­i­cally acti­vated when the oven door is unlocked and opened, is also located on the back. Within a few seconds, this so-called evac­u­a­tion fan sucks the entire cooking chamber empty, preventing steam and odors from escaping into the room. The steam is condensed and discharged via several bypasses.

The ebm-papst devel­opers took advan­tage of the resulting exhaust air cooling, as Peter explains: “The motor and the blower are exposed to heat during oper­a­tion. That’s why we turned the fan on instal­la­tion so that the cold exhaust air meets the motor directly, cools it, and imme­di­ately dissi­pates the heat.”

“As with other projects, we were able to rely on the exper­tise of ebm-papst engi­neers.”

Rein­hard Hofer, Project Manage­ment R&D Team Lead at BORA

Bril­liant protec­tion

The inge­nious cleaning system also sets the BORA X BO apart, explains Rein­hard Hofer: “As with indus­trial appli­ances, the stain­less steel cooking chamber is not cleaned using heat, but with the aid of sodium bicar­bonate and citric acid. The envi­ron­men­tally friendly active ingre­di­ents are contained in a dual-chamber cleaning cartridge and are released together with steam when the cleaning program is acti­vated. This gets every­thing sparkling clean again.”

To ensure that the engine is not damaged during the cleaning process, the Land­shut experts relied on acid-resis­tant seals. “As with other projects, we were able to rely on the exper­tise of ebm-papst engi­neers,” concludes Hofer. “They provided us with a custom-fit solu­tion that meets one hundred percent of our strin­gent quality require­ments, as envi­sioned by company founder Willi Bruck­bauer.” 

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