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Close­ness to the customer is not just a buzz­word

MD Thomas Borst about the pres­ence of ebm-papst in world­wide markets

Dear reader, I am very happy to be able to present to you our Singa­pore subsidiary in this edition. For 16 years, it has been the turn­stile for the entire south­east Asian market – from Thai­land to the Philip­pines. In this partic­u­larly strong growth region, prox­imity to the customer is a deciding factor in success. ebm-papst SEA is, there­fore, an excel­lent example of how impor­tant it is to be present in each global market. We want to be there for you on-site – as a supplier in your area and as a compe­tent partner that also knows about the local partic­u­lar­i­ties of the market.

Just as impor­tant to us is the knowl­edge of the tech­nical partic­u­lar­i­ties of the customer requests. In any event, that is at the centre of our mission: We stand for the best aero­dy­namic and drive engi­neering solu­tions. Jointly with you, we bring this require­ment to life every day. For example, in devel­op­ment part­ner­ships such as the one with the expert Italian heating supplier BAXI, in which our enthu­siasm for tech­nical chal­lenges led to joint success – even for excep­tional measures, as we advise you here.

To spread our Green­Tech philos­ophy contin­u­ously – and completely econom­i­cally, via cost reduc­tions which you can achieve with our prod­ucts, this commit­ment helps. You can read here how deep our contri­bu­tion to energy savings is in your everyday life. Because regard­less of whether you commu­ni­cate with your cell phone, shop in the super­market or do your dishes at home, we provide the needed venti­lation and drive solu­tions that work in the back­ground as effi­ciently as possible.

In this spirit, I would also be glad to discuss with you the fitting solu­tions and the latest devel­op­ments on the refrig­er­a­tion and climate market at the Chill­venta trade fair.

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