
What the Tech: How will a retrofit increase the effi­ciency and dura­bility of your venti­lation unit?

An old venti­lation system doesn’t have to be replaced straight away. Often it can’t be, because there’s too little space or it costs too much. But how will a retrofit help solve these prob­lems?

Just because a venti­lation system is old doesn’t mean it has to be replaced straight away. Often it can’t be, because there’s too little space or it costs too much. The solu­tion is often a retrofit. This involves upgrading indi­vidual venti­lation units with more powerful and effi­cient fans. After all, this type of upgrade has a lot of poten­tial. Every adap­ta­tion makes the system more energy-effi­cient, quieter and, of course, more durable.

But not every fan helps every system. Impor­tant factors, such as the required instal­la­tion space, air volume and the static pres­sure loss in the device, must there­fore be taken into account during a retrofit. Depending on the project, external influ­ences, such as temper­a­ture or explo­sive envi­ron­ments, also play a role. In some situ­a­tions, it is better to replace a large fan with several small fans.

A fan wall or FanGrid like this not only makes instal­la­tion, subse­quent main­te­nance and repairs easier, but also protects against fail­ures, because if there are prob­lems with one fan, the others compen­sate for its power. FanGrids are very flex­ible, easy to handle, and their inte­grated vibra­tion sensors mean that they are also resis­tant to poten­tial crit­ical vibra­tion reso­nances from neigh­boring fans.

A retrofit offers partic­ular poten­tial for savings if the retrofit enables the air flow to be regu­lated as required. For example, it is possible to adapt day and night rhythms. Over the course of the year, energy savings of 30 to 40, and some­times over 50 percent, are possible. As these are direct-drive fans without belts, there is no abra­sion: the system remains clean and ensures a higher air quality. And that also makes people in the surrounding area happier.

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