© Illustration | ebm-papst, Gernot Walter

Bus for employees: All aboard

Earlier a neces­sity, today a special service: the ebm-papst shuttle bus takes employees to work from all across the district

A company in the coun­try­side is some­times faced with partic­ular chal­lenges. For example the ques­tion of how the employees get to work. But the resourceful company in Hohen­lohe has a solu­tion for every problem. To help recruit staff in this rural area, ebm-papst set up a shuttle bus service in 1963, initially using the company’s own minibuses. That meant that the distances between the company’s base at Mulfingen and the scat­tered villages of the district were no longer a problem, even for those who did not have their own vehicle – which was common­place back then. In 1975, the first factory-owned bus started service. At peak times, the fleet was expanded to eight company-owned buses. A service that was started as a small thing is a perma­nent fixture for many today.

528,000 kilo­me­tres

The twelve buses drive an average of more than half a million kilo­me­tres around the district. At 128 bus stops within a radius of 25 kilo­me­tres from Mulfingen, they pick up a total of around 1,200 ebm-papst employees working in three-shift oper­a­tions, and take them safely and cost-effec­tively to work. Nobody has far to walk, for the bus stops are all just two and a half kilo­me­tres from one another. To keep the shuttle bus service afford­able, ebm-papst works with subcon­trac­tors and the local public trans­port oper­a­tors in three districts.

Knowing how to help your­self

25 years ago, Karl Hofmann, a bus driver in the very first days, picked up his passen­gers in a 39-seater. The bus was oper­ated consec­u­tively on two routes: Schrozberg and Krautheim – and the passen­gers were predom­i­nantly female. “The personal contact was the nicest part,” remem­bers Karl Hofmann. The trav­el­ling commu­nity was always relaxed, espe­cially in the winter, when it was diffi­cult to get to Mulfingen on time. “In those days, nobody had a mobile phone. If we got stuck in snow, or if we couldn’t get any further because of icy condi­tions, we had to send some­body home to let the company know. And once, every­body got out and skated on. Some of them in their stocking feet. That’s how icy it was!”


Starting in 1963, minibuses from the company’s own feet brought employees to work

Cost-effec­tive for every­body involved

Joachim Ruck, head of logis­tics, explains the fact that the shuttle service remains so popular with rising energy prices, amongst other factors. “Our employees see the buses as an inter­esting alter­na­tive to their own cars.” Today, ebm-papst only has one bus of its own. “In terms of capacity util­i­sa­tion and costs, our collab­o­ra­tion with public part­ners is bene­fi­cial for every­body involved, espe­cially for our staff,” explains Joachim Ruck. Busi­ness is skil­fully combined with the plea­sure. Maximum capacity util­i­sa­tion for the good of social commit­ment to the region. For example, the shuttle service is also used for the regional “Youth research” compe­ti­tion, for excur­sions for local clubs and asso­ci­a­tions, for children’s holiday activ­i­ties and of course at the ebm-papst marathon. But the shuttle service also has another pleasant side effect: envi­ron­mental impact is reduced – and that is some­thing else that is impor­tant for the company in the coun­try­side.

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