© Gernot Walter

“This is the most compact gas/air composite system in its perfor­mance class”

The RadiMix HS 122 is setting new stan­dards for commer­cial condensing tech­nology appli­ca­tions up to 150 kilo­watts. Damian Gieron, Product Manager at ebm-papst in Land­shut, explains how the gas/air composite system achieves this.

Mr. Gieron, why did ebm-papst develop the RadiMix HS 122?

We wanted to create a new stan­dard for commer­cial appli­ca­tions. A gas/air composite consisting of blower, venturi, valve, and combus­tion controller that is suit­able for all condensing units in the 80 to 150 kW power range.

Damian Gieron, Product Manager at ebm-papst in Land­shut, explains how the gas/air composite system achieves this. (Photo | ebm-papst)

What is the advan­tage of the composite system?

In order to achieve the most effi­cient combus­tion possible, the right gas/air ratio is crucial. There must be enough air avail­able to keep pollu­tant emis­sions to a minimum. However, if the air content is too high, this results in low effi­ciency. Our devel­op­ment engi­neers can coor­di­nate the compo­nents in such a way that they fit perfectly with the applic­able device.

What is special about it?

For this power class, it is the most compact gas/air composite system on the market! We made many adjust­ments, but the deci­sive factor was the devel­op­ment of a completely new blower, the VG 122. Now we can achieve 150 kW even at higher back pres­sures.

At the same time, we have increased the modu­la­tion range to 1 : 10. We were also able to mini­mize the noise gener­a­tion.

10.000 rpm

Maximum speed




Possible modu­la­tion range

150 kW

Achiev­able heating power

How did you manage to get so much power in so little space?

We opti­mized the blade geom­etry and adapted it to the housing to create an ideal flow geom­etry. In conjunc­tion with a new EC motor, we have there­fore succeeded in increasing effi­ciency. Manu­fac­turers can now make their devices much more compact. All in all, we have created a future-proof product.


less instal­la­tion space is taken up by the blower. The RadiMix HS 122 is thus the most compact gas/air composite system in its power class.

In what sense is it future-proof?

Firstly, because we have exploited every­thing that is tech­ni­cally possible today and secondly, because we have already taken future appli­ca­tions into account. All compo­nents of the system are already suit­able for admixing up to 20 percent hydrogen to the gas content. This means a fast and effec­tive contri­bu­tion to curbing CO2 emis­sions. We are currently working on a system consisting of the VG 122, our G32 G01 gas valve and the BCU 110 control unit that will allow us to burn 100 percent hydrogen. In the field of commer­cial building tech­nology, I see an oppor­tu­nity here to put sustain­able system solu­tions in place for the energy tran­si­tion. Terminal devices are usually located in places where other heating systems are diffi­cult to install. 

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Additional product information can be found here:

RadiMix up to 150 kW

Spectacularly compact, quiet and efficient