© ebm-papst

“We need to become climate neutral faster”

Pandemic, supply bottle­necks, climate change: Dr. Klaus Geißdörfer is facing major chal­lenges at the start of his role as CEO of ebm-papst. He tells us in an inter­view how he is dealing with these issues and what he has planned for the company and customers.

Who is Dr. Klaus Geißdörfer ?

Well, I actu­ally orig­i­nally come from the region, so working here feels like coming home. My passions are tech­nology and sports. ebm-papst covers both as a tech­nology-driven company that is committed to keeping its employees fit, for example with the company marathon. And I am also always looking for constant improve­ments when it comes to the values of humanity and enthu­siasm.

And what can customers expect from you ?

My motto is: We are here to create added value for our customers. For example, using effi­cient solu­tions that enable customers to achieve their climate targets more quickly.

My motto is: We are here to create added value for our customers.

These times are partic­u­larly chal­lenging, with the pandemic, compo­nent short­ages, and climate change. Which of these topics is currently the most impor­tant to you ?

We cannot see the topics as being sepa­rate issues. The pandemic has led to the supply bottle­necks. These are occu­pying me most at the moment. A task force led by our CTO Dr. Stefan Arnold is bringing together all of the neces­sary measures in a holistic approach. We want to return to a normal delivery situ­a­tion quickly.

What do you focus on besides the most pressing issues?

From my back­ground, it is clear that digi­tal­iza­tion and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence are close to my heart. But digi­tal­iza­tion is not just for digitalization’s sake but rather is there to create added value — for our customers, for their customers, and for us. Sustain­ability is a major strategic issue, and luckily it’s a part of our DNA.

Sustain­ability is a major strategic issue, and luckily it’s a part of our DNA.

Where do you see the greatest poten­tial for driving the topic even further forward ?

In two areas in partic­ular: firstly with our prod­ucts and the sustain­able added value that they can create for customers through effi­ciency and resource-conserving mate­rials. Secondly, when it comes to us as a company mini­mizing our CO₂-foot­print. We have to do that faster. I want to build the future together with our customers to accel­erate the issue of climate neutrality.

Are you also thinking about part­ner­ships with customers in this area ?

Yes, for example when exchanging data. I am convinced that we will be able to create even more effi­cient prod­ucts by exchanging oper­ating data more inten­sively.
At the same time, strategic part­ner­ships are required, for example, when it comes to which plat­forms we use to work together to advance the energy effi­ciency of build­ings as a whole. Setting up these part­ner­ships will be a topic in the coming years. 

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