Building for the future

Thomas Borst on revenue growth and construc­tion projects

Dear readers, First of all, I would like to thank all our customers for the successful busi­ness year we have just expe­ri­enced. Double-digit revenue growth and many new jobs created. These outstanding results that we presented at our press confer­ence in June would not have been possible without the trust that you placed in us and without the many successful projects we imple­mented together.

But the inno­va­tions that we drove forward together were also impor­tant. Our coop­er­a­tion with the Diamond Light Source particle accel­er­ator in Oxford­shire (UK) is a good example of this. Thanks to the commit­ment of our part­ners and the trust of those respon­sible in the success of high-tech projects, the facility will in future save 55 percent of the energy used in its cooling system. We want to build on this foun­da­tion of inno­va­tion and trust and grow together with you. Being prepared for future growth requires invest­ment. And that is exactly what we are doing.

As you read this, we are imple­menting major construc­tion projects and expanding our capacity, there­fore adjusting to the chal­lenges our markets pose. Markets demand both shorter delivery times and greater flex­i­bility. The expan­sions will help us achieve both of these, as we want to continue to provide our customers with the good service that they expect from us as a market leader. Enjoy reading!

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