© Stefan Hobmaier, Daniel Goldhahn | Fotogloria

Retrofit for the New Year

The elec­tronics specialist Semi­kron wants to start the year 2020 with a new venti­lation system. To ensure that this works, the installers from Kratschmayer are putting in extra shifts. The story of a retrofit between the years.

It’s gotta go!

For around 20 years, a belt-driven AC fan supplied the venti­lation system for the Semi­kron produc­tion building with moving air. Now it is time for an upgrade. Those in charge at Semi­kron also see it that way: By replacing the fan, they hope for increased reli­a­bility, better control of humidity and lower power consump­tion.

“We wanted to increase redun­dancy”

Magnus Stöckl, Head of Supply Engi­neering at Semi­kron, about the reasons for the retrofit

Chal­lenging task

The task for the installer Kratschmayer is demanding. After all, Semikron’s produc­tion can only stand still a few days between years. Other­wise, the employees there work in three shifts all year round on sensi­tive elec­tronics that are produced within a narrow temper­a­ture and humidity range. No venti­lation, no produc­tion – that’s why nothing can go wrong during replace­ment.

Prepa­ra­tion is every­thing

To ensure that every­thing runs smoothly on the day of the retrofit, Kratschmayer brings all required prod­ucts to the site in advance.

Here we go

On the first day of the retrofit, the first thing on the agenda is the removal of the old belt-driven fan. The Kratschmayer team will remove it from the facility with the right equip­ment and combined forces.

Assembly fan by fan

Instead of one large fan, several small fans are to work in the venti­lation system in the future. The Kratschmayer team installed them piece by piece. RadiPac fans from ebm-papst are used.

“The compact size creates space”

Axel Resch, ebm-papst Regional Director Nurem­berg, about the advan­tages of the FanGrid.

On-site customiza­tion

Within three days, the retrofit team from Kratschmayer installs the FanGrids on the supply and exhaust air side and connects them to the higher-level control system.

“We save 12 percent of energy”

Magnus Stöckl, Head of Supply Engi­neering at Semi­kron, on the results of the retrofit

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