© ebm-papst

RadiPac: Measure­ment is best

Precise docu­men­ta­tion and reli­able produc­tion

The choice of fan is crucial to the reli­a­bility and effi­ciency of air handling units. In this respect, equip­ment manu­fac­turers have to be able to rely on the docu­men­ta­tion provided by the fan manu­fac­turer and on the assur­ances made with regard to product prop­er­ties. But where does this product data come from? And how reli­able is it?


All the perfor­mance data provided by ebm-papst, both in cata­logues and the Product Selector, the user-friendly fan selec­tion soft­ware, are obtained by taking exten­sive indi­vidual measure­ments. This involves fitting the test spec­i­mens on chamber test rigs set up in accor­dance with ISO 5801 and performing aeroa­coustic measure­ments. On comple­tion of measure­ment, the data are vali­dated to guar­antee that all the spec­i­fi­ca­tions in the docu­men­ta­tion actu­ally repre­sent the correct values. So customers can fully rely on the infor­ma­tion given when selecting fans.


In addi­tion to accu­rate product docu­men­ta­tion, a suit­able fan produc­tion process is required to ensure that the prod­ucts actu­ally exhibit the prop­er­ties described. For this purpose, moni­toring and checking mech­a­nisms are inte­grated into the produc­tion sequence to reli­ably detect any toler­ance devi­a­tions. In prac­tice the prod­ucts then exhibit exactly the prop­er­ties spec­i­fied in the docu­men­ta­tion. At the end of the produc­tion process every ebm-papst fan is tested for proper oper­a­tion.

Thanks to all the effort invested in precise docu­men­ta­tion and reli­able produc­tion, customers can be sure of obtaining the correct values from ebm-papst. Conse­quently every fan supplied for use as an air handling unit compo­nent can always be trusted to deliver the perfor­mance required.

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