© ebm-papst

Chilled selec­tion

Not only does the Atherton Supa IGA super­market have an inno­v­a­tive selec­tion, it also has the latest refrig­er­a­tion equip­ment. It was even the first store in all of Australia to get a retrofit with AxiBlades.

Mike Shakes is known for his inno­v­a­tive ideas. His Atherton Supa IGA super­market in Queens­land, Australia, has won him several national and inter­na­tional prizes. “For one, I was IGA Australia Inter­na­tional Retailer of the Year,” he says. “My super­market won because of its variety and fresh­ness and its selec­tion of organic prod­ucts.” The Inde­pen­dent Grocers Alliance (IGA) is the world’s largest volun­tary super­market network with oper­a­tions in 46 of the United States and more than 32 coun­tries, common­wealths and terri­to­ries.

In his Atherton Supa IGA, which has 2,800 square meters of floor space, Mike Shakes primarily sells regional seafood, meat and produce. His air-cooled condensers have their work cut out for them to keep the groceries fresh and the shop­pers relaxed, as steady 35-degree temper­a­tures and 90 percent humidity are perfectly normal during summers in Atherton. And that’s expen­sive. “Energy costs in Australia are high and getting higher,” says Shakes. “So I’m always on the lookout for effi­cient solu­tions.”

Up to 43 percent less energy annu­ally

When ebm-papst offered him one of the first retro­fits with AxiBlade EC axial fans world­wide, and the very first retrofit in Australia, he didn’t have to think twice. “I already knew the company from my air condi­tioning upgrade two years ago and knew I could trust them,” says Shakes. So in January 2017, a service provider replaced three of the six fans in his air-cooled condenser with brand new AxiBlades, which were not even on the market in Australia at the time. That took less than 30 minutes per unit.

ebm-papst checked the input power for the three fans a week before and a week after the upgrade. The result: The retrofit yields annual energy savings between 38 and 43 percent per fan for Mike Shakes, depending on how long the fans operate. He has already agreed to the replace­ment of fans in another air-cooled condenser.

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