© Gernot Walter

“AxiBlade makes machines better!”

What can AxiBlade do better? And what’s in it for customers? Patrick Stern, Head of Market Manage­ment, Refrig­er­a­tion Tech­nology Divi­sion, tells us.

What was behind the devel­op­ment of the AxiBlade?

axiblade-54-percent-higher-efficiency-than-the-current-market-standard We’re always kicking new ideas around, because we really are inno­v­a­tive and don’t just say we are. Four years ago, with AxiTop we took the first step toward pres­sure recovery using the diffuser effect. Now we wanted to combine this effect with the aero­dy­namic bene­fits from the inter­play of a new impeller, fan housing and guard grill. Which is exactly why the AxiBlade is a quantum leap. Because it inte­grates every­thing in one unit without any addi­tions.

For which appli­ca­tions is the AxiBlade espe­cially suited?

It’s ideal wher­ever air-cooled heat exchangers are used, be it condensers with refrig­er­ants for refrig­er­a­tion or chillers with water mixtures for air condi­tioning. Since we’ve retained the external dimen­sions of the fan, customers can easily use the new product with their existing appli­ca­tions without having to make any adap­ta­tions.

How else do the customers benefit?


Patrick Stern, Head of Market Manage­ment, Refrig­er­a­tion Tech­nology Divi­sion

The AxiBlade has up to 54 percent* higher effi­ciency than the current market stan­dard and it’s up to eight deci­bels* quieter, even with a higher power density. These tech­nical bene­fits grant the customers flex­i­bility. Now they can choose: Do I want a quieter, more effi­cient unit or do I need more power? So with the same unit they get a higher cooling capacity — for example, in chiller appli­ca­tions, the more air the better. If they don’t need the higher air perfor­mance, with appro­priate speed adjust­ments using EC tech­nology they can save even more energy since the entire series needs much less power consump­tion for the same air perfor­mance. The AxiBlade makes the customer’s end prod­ucts tech­ni­cally better so they can stand out from the compe­ti­tion.

How do customers find the right AxiBlade?

There are two basic designs as far as the combi­na­tion of fan housing and periph­erals is concerned. The stan­dard design is best used for the inter­me­diate pres­sure range. For use at higher back pres­sures, the version with guide vanes is better. But in finding the best option for a partic­ular customer appli­ca­tion, good advice is still as impor­tant as ever.

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