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Pure Gold for the fryer

elframo gas deep-fryers make really perfect chips. What you really need for prop­erly crisp food is a condensing system from ebm papst

Evenly golden brown and crisp on the outside, deli­ciously creamy and melting on the inside: Potato sticks deep-fried in hot fat were first recorded in 1781 in Belgium, and have long since evolved into an inter­na­tion­ally popular snack. But cooking them to perfec­tion is not so easy. It takes a good quality oil and a deep fryer that can heat it quickly to exactly the right temper­a­ture as and when required.

Versa­tile and econom­ical

Such as the eco-friendly gas-powered fryer “Friggy” from elframo, Italy’s leading supplier of commer­cial kitchen equip­ment. Its core element is the condensing heating system NRV 118, which was devel­oped in close coop­er­a­tion by ebm-papst Heating Systems and ebm-papst Land­shut. The perfectly coor­di­nated compo­nents that make up this system solu­tion comprise a blower with inte­grated venturi and a gas valve to guar­antee optimal gas/air mix with high modu­la­tion ranges. This is impor­tant for deep fryers that can be used for cooking either large or small quan­ti­ties. To cook a large amount of food the oil needs to rapidly reach its maximum temper­a­ture, but for smaller quan­ti­ties it is also impor­tant to imme­di­ately reduce the power. In this way, not only is the fried food beau­ti­fully crisp, but the appli­ance can reduce its fuel consump­tion. The burner is also fitted with a dynamic infrared-controlled ther­mo­stat to ensure the effi­cient use of energy throughout.

From service provider to partner

This customised solu­tion is the fruit of a devel­op­ment phase char­ac­terised by the compre­he­sive exchange of infor­ma­tion between elframo and ebm-papst, because only a funda­mental under­standing of the overall appli­ca­tion can ensure an effi­cient condensing system. This close part­ner­ship has resulted in a product that is not only envi­ron­men­tally-friendly but also energy-saving and cost-effec­tive, all advan­tages that also benefit the end user.With this single-source system solu­tion elframo can rely on having a perfectly coor­di­nated pretested package. This saves time and money in the run-up to produc­tion and later simpli­fies main­te­nance.

Smaller and more effi­cient

Last year, elframo’s prod­ucts earned the Inno­va­tion Award of the Italian industry asso­ci­a­tion Confind­us­tria. An incen­tive for further devel­op­ments to fulfil customers’ demands for new powerful appli­ances that are even smaller and use fuel even more effi­ciently. The system partner is well prepared: a powerful young successor to the NRV 118, the NRV 77, is already standing by for these new prod­ucts.

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