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63 mm drive with inte­grated control elec­tronics

Range of modules for easy config­u­ra­tion of modern EC drives expanded

High effi­ciency is only possible when all compo­nents are perfectly matched. This is espe­cially true for the right selec­tion and design of drives. However, devel­op­ment is subject to constraints in both costs and sched­uling. Successful drives will be those that are based on a compre­hen­sive modular system. Now a motor with inte­grated control elec­tronics adds to the range of options among drives with a diam­eter of 63 mm. In addi­tion to the mechanics, now the regu­la­tion via inter­faces can be easily customised to suit local condi­tions.


Figure 1: The new ECI63 K4 with inte­grated motor elec­tronics for optimum effi­ciency

For complex systems with many drives or special measuring instru­ments with high stan­dards for control, modern tech­nology depends on drives that can be very finely cali­brated. To offer users a truly universal drive solu­tion, ebm-papst St. Georgen is now equip­ping its proven ECI-63 motors with inte­grated control elec­tronics (Fig. 1). The so-called K4 design with expanded basic config­u­ra­tion is being added to the set of modules to enable espe­cially flex­ible drive appli­ca­tions.

Bene­fits of modu­larity 

Customi­sa­tion is a fine thing, but costly in compar­ison with stan­dard prod­ucts. Mass produc­tion is consid­er­ably more econom­ical but loses out on effi­ciency due to lack of flex­i­bility. With a modular solu­tion, users benefit from the econom­ical mass produc­tion of the indi­vidual modules while being able to use drives customised according to their spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Now the ECI family adds another level of customi­sa­tion for the 63 mm motors. In addi­tion to the estab­lished modules for gear­boxes, brakes, encoders, etc., now motor modules with fully inte­grated control elec­tronics are avail­able (Fig. 2).

Figure 2: Find the ideal drive for prac­ti­cally any appli­ca­tion by combining modules as needed

Depending on the desired power, these compact motors are avail­able in versions with stator lengths of 20, 40 and 60 mm. Depending on the design, they deliver between 150 and 400 W to the drive shaft at an effi­ciency of around 90 % with outstanding over­load capacity. The inte­grated K4 control elec­tronics provide sinu­soidal commu­ta­tion allowing the motor’s full poten­tial to be utilised with field-oriented regu­la­tion down to stand­still, as well as a speed and torque controller. The smooth sinu­soidal current rise prevents commu­ta­tion noise; the motor runs very quietly and vibra­tion-free, thanks also to its main­te­nance-free ball bear­ings.

Several digital and analogue inter­faces provide for external commu­ni­ca­tion. The elec­tronics para­me­ters can be easily adjusted after instal­la­tion via the RS485 inter­face for adap­ta­tion to changing situ­a­tions at the customer. The clear “Kick­start” user inter­face helps the user set para­me­ters and select the oper­ating mode (speed, posi­tioning or torque mode) for quick adap­ta­tion to the required appli­ca­tion.

Protec­tive func­tions built into the elec­tronics allow full util­i­sa­tion of the drive’s perfor­mance without adversely affecting its service life or reli­a­bility.


Figure 3: Easy-to-use inter­face of “Kick­start” soft­ware

The dynamic EC motor can be easily combined with the proven plan­e­tary and angular gears and crown gear­heads from ebm-papst ZEITLAUF, as befits the modular approach. These effi­cient gear­boxes cover a wide reduc­tion range from 6.7 to 33.3:1 for angular designs and 3.2 to 30:1 for the plan­e­tary designs.

Compact, customised drives are suit­able for all appli­ca­tions in indus­trial drive engi­neering, partic­u­larly for automa­tion, medical tech­nology, in-house logis­tics, pack­aging, access control and battery-powered appli­ca­tions. With adjustable torque limi­ta­tion, drives for winders and bobbins in the textile industry, or preci­sion perfor­mance require­ments for labo­ra­tory appli­ca­tions, are also no problem.

Sinu­soidal commu­ta­tion, extremely precise and quiet

The pulse-width modu­la­tion often used for regu­la­tion in large motors can cause irreg­u­lar­i­ties and speed vari­a­tions in small drives, espe­cially at low speeds. This is due to the rotor’s lower inertia. If a sinu­soidal signal with three analogue sine waves is used for regu­la­tion instead, then smooth oper­a­tion is ensured even at low speeds and with small moments of inertia. The rotor can follow the smooth, sinu­soidal current flow without accel­er­a­tion or cogging torques.

Conven­tional pulse or block commu­ta­tion leads to addi­tional radial and tangen­tial forces. Espe­cially with square-wave currents, localised perpen­dic­ular forces arise which can lead to abrupt vibra­tions in the stator. The resulting “commu­ta­tion noise” is not to be neglected. The only solu­tion is control elec­tronics like the K4 with sinu­soidal current flow. The sinu­soidal regu­la­tion largely or completely removes the commu­ta­tion compo­nent of the oper­ating noise for smooth, vibra­tion-free oper­a­tion from stand­still through the entire speed range.

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