© ebm-papst

Customers agree: You can rely on ebm-papst!

The following customer comments confirm just how impor­tant accu­rate fan data is for air handling units.


Dr_KAUP_2012_400h“We as manu­fac­turers of energy-effi­cient air handling units demand partic­u­larly high stan­dards with regard to the perfor­mance data of drive systems. So we check the compo­nents we use on our own test stand as part of the proto­type measure­ment process. We have found that drive systems from ebm-papst yield convincing results in compar­ison with the stated values. The devi­a­tion between the calcu­lated data and the measured perfor­mance was within a narrow toler­ance band of just 1 to 4 %. An extremely posi­tive aspect is that the figures from ebm-papst turned out to be lower than what we actu­ally measured. That doesn’t happen very often.”

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Kaup
Managing Partner of HOWATHERM Klimat­e­chnik GmbH


Toerpe02_400h“The accu­racy of the fan data is of the utmost impor­tance to us and our customers, providing as it does the only basis for clear and reli­able infor­ma­tion on the power consump­tion and noise emis­sion level of the venti­lation system as a whole. As our air handling units have Eurovent certi­fi­ca­tion, we guar­antee our customers compli­ance with the tightest toler­ances in our tech­nical data. We can only be sure of performing our calcu­la­tions accu­rately if we receive extremely precise data on the fan concerned from the manu­fac­turer. The quality of the infor­ma­tion provided by ebm-papst is outstanding.”

Martin Törpe
Product Manage­ment


RichardRiebesecker_400h“The air condi­tioner manu­fac­turing company Wolf and ebm-papst have enjoyed a long-standing and successful working rela­tion­ship. The reli­able, infi­nitely vari­able EC fans are a crucial factor in convincing our customers when it comes to hygiene, air conduc­tion and low power consump­tion. This common goal will also form the basis for our future coop­er­a­tion. The perfor­mance data and design programs are reli­able instru­ments for the plan­ning and produc­tion of modern air condi­tioning devices.”

Dipl. Ing. (FH) R. Riebesecker
A/C + Venti­lation Product Manage­ment  
Wolf GmbH

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