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Your trust is our oblig­a­tion!

Managing Director Thomas Borst about growth and respon­is­i­bility

Dear Readers, on 31st March of this year, ebm-papst wrapped up the most successful fiscal year in its history. For this, we extend heart­felt thanks to you, our many thou­sands of large and small customers from the most varied indus­tries around the globe. Without your confi­dence in our company and without the many joint projects, our growth would not have been possible. Of course, along with our over 11,000 employees around the world, we are very proud of this excep­tional level of success.

We are also aware of the respon­si­bil­i­ties and oblig­a­tions that our growth and size incur. Our strong roots and corpo­rate philos­ophy – which now as before bears the stamp of the founding fami­lies – keep us down to earth. Size is not valu­able on its own unless it serves a greater purpose and thus creates new kinds of value for our customers.

This purpose includes, for example, our exper­tise in providing solu­tions, which we continue to work on day after day. In this area, economic size can be a posi­tive force and provide its full bene­fits. For example, we spent over 61 million EUR on research and devel­op­ment in 2010. Along with our in-depth expe­ri­ence and insight into a wide variety of indus­tries and markets, this creates the fertile ground for new solu­tions born of devel­op­ments in part­ner­ship between you and us. These solu­tions are intended to help you, our customers, become even stronger and more successful in your markets.

In this spirit, we look forward to continued co-oper­a­tion and many shared successes!

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