Plat­form for progress

Experts discussed current and future devel­op­ments at the fifth inno­va­tion forum


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“Tech­no­log­ical progress is only possible where tech­nology and inter­ests go hand-in-hand – right through from indi­vidual compo­nents to the end customer,” says Dr. Bruno Lindl, research and devel­op­ment director of the ebm-papst Group, in explaining the idea of the inno­va­tion forum. The Mulfingen company staged the event for the fifth time in June. Around 250 partic­i­pants followed presen­ta­tions by 28 experts from inde­pen­dent insti­tutes, customers and ebm-papst on devel­op­ments taking place in the fields of venti­lation and air condi­tioning, computer centres and utility engi­neering. In keeping with the motto “Create effi­ciency – mould the future”, the event also provided a plat­form for an informal exchange of ideas, as the partic­i­pants were keen to confirm.

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