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GreenDay on world tour

For us, every day is a green day – world­wide

For us, every day is a green day – world­wide

Our corpo­rate philos­ophy is touring the world. With 57 loca­tions alto­gether and more than 11,000 employees, we are repre­sented all over the globe.

We are serious about our envi­ron­mental and sustain­ability strategy. For that reason, many of our subsidiaries will prove in this year and the next that they do things “green”. We are running the campaign “Every Day is a GreenDay” for this purpose. Every seven days, there will be a promo­tional week at a different ebm-papst loca­tion high­lighting envi­ron­mental protec­tion, sustain­ability, and energy and resource effi­ciency.

Showing why Green­Tech is a success factor

The kickoff is taking place on April 16th at our corpo­rate head­quar­ters in Mulfingen with a visit from the Minister of the Envi­ron­ment for the German state of Baden-Würt­tem­berg, Franz Unter­steller. On the following day, scien­tific jour­nalist Ranga Yogeshwar, politi­cian Rezzo Schlauch, envi­ron­mental econ­o­mist Christo­pher Boyd and climate researcher Hans von Storch are having a discus­sion on the topic “Ecology: a growth driver?” The discus­sion is taking place during an evening event at the Stausee­halle in Mulfingen.

For every Green­Tech EC fan sold, a tree will be planted

Our cafe­te­rias will begin the campaign by offering an addi­tional meal made exclu­sively of ingre­di­ents from regional suppliers; experts will offer our employees an energy consul­ta­tion free of charge and much more. ebm-papst Austria will take up the campaign stan­dard from Mulfingen. Italy, St. Georgen in the German Black Forest, Belarus, Greece, and others will follow – a trip around the entire world! The centre point is always the objec­tive of awak­ening the enthu­siasm of our employees, customers and the public about envi­ron­mental protec­tion and sustain­ability and to show why Green­Tech has become a success factor for ebm-papst.

There are also a number of event ideas. Our Italian employees are distrib­uting fabric bags; ebm-papst Russia is inviting its customers to a vege­tarian dinner; the employees of the Korean subsidiary are bypassing the elevator for two days and climbing the stairs on foot; the Austrians are biking to work, and ebm-papst Brazil is planting a tree for every Green­Tech EC fan sold in the current fiscal year.

For more infor­ma­tion about the GreenDay visit the GreenDay blog.

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