© Photo | © ebm-papst / Engineers Without Borders

Engi­neers for the world

ebm-papst Australia supports the regional aid agency Engi­neers Without Borders Australia in Melbourne

Engi­neers Without Borders are active in seven coun­tries, passing on their tech­nical knowl­edge, helping devel­op­ment work and creating new infra­struc­ture in remote coun­tries and commu­ni­ties. ebm-papst Australia has been supporting this organ­i­sa­tion since 2009.

The non-profit organ­i­sa­tion is comprised of engi­neers, scien­tists and students who use their skills and knowl­edge to provide aid in Australia and central and south-east Asia. This includes securing water supply, installing sani­tary systems and renew­able energy projects.

“What started as a small group of people has devel­oped over the past 11 years to a move­ment of 15,000 people and compa­nies, all working together to create change through human­i­tarian engi­neering”, describes Lizzie Brown, CEO of Engi­neers Without Borders Australia.

“For us as a busi­ness, social respon­si­bility is very impor­tant.”

Simon Brad­well, Managing Director of ebm-papst A & NZ

For Simon Brad­well, Managing Director of ebm-papst A & NZ, supporting a project like this is a matter close to his heart. He too had contributed to social projects before starting his career at the fan manu­fac­turer. “My wife and I went to Zambia for two years in 1999 to do volun­tary work and chal­lenge ourselves profes­sion­ally”, says Brad­well.

The work in various projects and the cultural and inter­per­sonal expe­ri­ences that the couple collected in Africa made a lasting impres­sion. This is why inspiring his colleagues to help in various activ­i­ties for Engi­neers Without Borders is an impor­tant cause for Simon Brad­well. “For us as a busi­ness, social respon­si­bility is very impor­tant”, he declares. “That’s why I’m pleased that we are able to help a regional aid organ­i­sa­tion like Engi­neers Without Borders Australia”.

“The finan­cial support from ebm-papst allows us to train many of our members and gain new ones.”

Lizzie Brown, CEO of Engi­neers Without Borders Australia

The Australian ebm-papst team regu­larly partic­i­pates in the “Ride Around the Bay” in Melbourne and cycles with family members, friends and colleagues to raise funds for Engi­neers Without Borders. ebm-papst also donates ten dollars to the non-profit organ­i­sa­tion for every completed customer expe­ri­ence feed­back ques­tion­naire.

“The finan­cial support from ebm-papst allows us to train many of our members and gain new ones”, explains Lizzie Brown. “ebm-papst also spon­sors a range of events which are very impor­tant for the exchange of knowl­edge and inter­ests”.

Link-Festival in Melbourne

Linked: In February, ebm-papst Australia supported the Link Festival, organ­ised by Engi­neers Without Borders. The event in Melbourne brought together scien­tists, engi­neers, archi­tects and students to discuss the latest develop­ments in tech­nology and design along with social change. Specialist experts taught new approaches and shared their expe­ri­ences in a range of work­shops and sessions. The event offered a plat­form for net­working, inspi­ra­tion and ex­changing ideas for future develop­ments.

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